Jun 09, 2009 22:09
MARSHALL: They just hire me to drive the car, sir. I'm not here to tell you who you are.
JOE: I didn't ask you to tell me who I am.
MARSHALL: You're hintin' around about clothes. That happens to be a very important topic to me, sir, clothes. Mr...
JOE: Banks.
MARSHALL: Banks. Clothes makes the man, I believe that. You say to me you want to go shopping, you want to buy clothes but you don't know what kind. You leave that hanging in the air like I'm gonna fill in the blank. Now that to me is like asking me who you are, and I don't know who you are. I don't want to know. It's taken me all my life to find out who I am and I am tired now, you hear what I'm saying?
one of my favorite, briefest, scenes, from the criminally underrated JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO, written and directed by John Patrick Shanley.