CNN Ticker:
Clinton uses Pearl Harbor, bin Laden images in new ad.
The point of the ad Senator Clinton is running the day before the Pennsylvania primary is to poke fun at Senator Obama's complaints about the "tough" questions he was asked in the recent ABC News debate. The pressures of being leader of the free world are so great that if you can't handle tough questions, how can you handle the job you're running for?
The funny part is that it wasn't so long ago that Senator Clinton was nearly in tears thinking about this country, or when she complained about how she was always asked questions first, or when she and Bill claimed she was being picked on because she was a woman.
I'd make a pot/kettle analogy at this point, but things on the Democrat side are so charged for any hint of racism or sexism, it's just not worth it. Honestly, the only people that have introduced either into this election are the Democrats. Personally, I don't care what ethnicity or gender the President is, so long as they have sound policies.
Enjoy the primary, kids...
For reference: I'm not just picking on Hillary. I don't like any of the three leading candidates. I'm probably writing in Roslin come November.