May 19, 2011 22:54
I got a couple of major things off my plate at work today. There are still more major things to do tomorrow, but I'm feeling good about what got done. We also had a very productive meeting and I think I've found a way to delegate some of the smaller stuff.
After work I had an orthodontist appointment. I learned how to attach my new elastics (from the back molar to the top canine), and got a brief lesson in how to exercise my tongue. *snicker* Seriously, I need to work the lateral muscles more to "cone" my tongue so it's not pushing out on my molars so much.
From there I ran several errands, including, but not limited to, going to the bank, grocery shopping, filling the gas tank, shopping for gifts, and stopping in the middle to have dinner at Panera's.
Over the course of events I had some particularly good customer service experiences. At Stop & Shop, not only did the shelf stocker run out back to find an alternate flavor option of a product, but he paged a manager who took my request for keeping a larger variety of said product in stock. At Babies R Us, not only did they print the registry paperwork for me at the service counter, where I could be seated as opposed to the kiosk, but when I mentioned what I wanted to purchase they got it for me. I only had to stand to pay and walk out. My legs really, really appreciated that. Then at Panera I went to use the rest room while I waited for my order. The door to the ladies room was propped open because a male worker was cleaning. When I jokingly asked if I came at a bad time, he chuckled. "Yeah, I'll be done in just a...*sees my belly*. Oh you're pregnant! Go ahead, I'll wait." The same guy took my tray for me when I was leaving. (For those not familiar with Panera, there are bussing stations and customers are responsible for setting aside their dirty dishes, throwing out the trash and stacking their trays.)
So I came home tired, but feeling really good about all I manged to do. I felt even better when I saw all that Jon had done to put the living room back together. Yai for hung curtains and art, shelved media, and an awesome spouse who painstakingly razored off paint from the glass panels in the French door.
Now there's one last thing I need to do today ...go to bed.