Fic: Vizzini's Rule (37/105)

Aug 10, 2008 18:36

Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 37

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Mentions of violence and some sexual situations

Spoilers: Season One thru They Keep Killing Suzie (1x8)

Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around! All ©’s to Paul Tomalin and Daniel Mcculloch for dialogue and situations borrowed from They Keep Killing Suzie.

Summary: In which things are calm for a little while and then oh so very not...

Notes: Here's TKKS which means we're getting close to the stopwatch. Yay!   And hey!!  I've got a little smut to contribute to Sunday Smut - woo!  :o)

Previous Chapters

Vizzini's Rule: Chapter Thirty-Seven

The next few weeks were quiet ones at the Hub. The rift was unusually dormant and even the weevil sightings were few and far between. Owen bemoaned the lack of excitement, loudly and as often as anyone would listen, but everyone else enjoyed the calm.

Jack and Ianto fell into a very satisfactory pattern with each other during the lull. They would often have dinner together after everyone else had left for the night and then they would spend the night at the Hub or at Ianto’s flat or each on their own as the mood struck them. Ianto was surprised that Jack, who had been so reluctant to let Ianto leave the week after Brecon Beacons, was so much more at ease after their conversation by the car. It was as if by admitting that they wanted to be together, they gave themselves permission to be apart as well. Jack tried to explain it one night when they were nestled close together in his small bed in the Hub.

“Before, right after you were hurt, I was sure you would be gone the moment I closed my eyes. That’s why I wanted to keep you close for as long as I could.” Jack kissed Ianto’s neck, resting his head on Ianto’s shoulder. “But now, I don’t know, it’s easier to be alone again knowing you’ll come back.”

Ianto rolled to his side, wrapping his arms around Jack. “I’ll always come back,” he whispered.

“So will I,” Jack said in low tones. “Remember that,” he said, raising his head for a long, deep kiss.

When the calm finally broke it wasn’t an alien threat, but a human one.

Ianto was making the day’s second pot of coffee when the team returned from a routine police assistance call.

“Alright everyone, conference room in ten minutes,” Jack called as they filed into the Hub. “Ianto!”

“Yes, sir?” Ianto replied.

“Can you come down here? I need something in the archives.”

“On my way, sir.”

Jack headed down the steps with Ianto not far behind. As soon as he was down the first flight, Jack grabbed him and pulled him into one of the file rooms and into his arms.

“Jack? What is it?” Ianto asked, holding him tight.

Jack didn’t speak for a moment. “It’s bad,” he finally said in a quiet voice. “People murdered in their home, Torchwood written on the wall in their blood.”

“God, Jack! What-”

“Not what, who. It’s a who, a who with Retcon in their system.”

“Oh Jack,” Ianto said, understanding now.

“I need-” Jack broke off. “I have to figure out what to do, I just can’t even think right now. I need…”

Ianto cupped Jack’s face in his hands. “Whatever you need. Anything I can do,” he said and kissed him.

Jack was passive for a moment, just letting Ianto’s mouth move across his. Then he tightened his arms around Ianto and kissed him back, pushing him against the wall of filing cabinets. He held Ianto there with his body as his hands slid down to loosen Ianto’s tie and unbutton his shirt. He pulled Ianto’s shirt open left his tie hanging down his naked chest.

“God, you look…” Jack didn’t finish, he just kissed his way over Ianto’s chest until he reached his trousers. His hands were already unfastening Ianto’s belt as he fell to his knees. Ianto swallowed his moan, remembering where they were. He clung to the filing cabinet pulls, bracing himself as Jack drew his cock into his mouth. He wasn’t hard yet, so Jack was able to fit all of him in his mouth easily and press his face into Ianto’s belly, nuzzling the soft hair he found there. Jack groaned with pleasure and worked Ianto’s cock with his tongue.

Ianto bit his lip as he felt himself begin to harden inside Jack’s mouth. There was something utterly erotic about the moment. Ianto didn’t know if it was the sheer intimacy of the act or the fact that he could feel his cock hardening, lengthening, enlarging within the hot confines of Jack’s mouth. It wasn’t long before Jack had to pull back and content himself with running his tongue over and around Ianto’s cock, licking it like an ice cream cone. He reached up with one hand to softly caress Ianto’s balls while his other hand curled around the base of his cock, stroking in time with the movements of his mouth.

The triple assault of Jack’s mouth and both hands had Ianto moaning quietly in moments. He dropped his hands from the cabinet pulls and threaded them into Jack’s hair. Jack looked up at the touch, keeping his eyes locked with Ianto as he sucked harder, hollowing his cheeks around Ianto’s cock. Ianto tried to maintain the eye contact through his orgasm, but when he came, instinct took over and he closed his eyes and threw back his head, banging it on the cabinet behind him. Jack continued to suck him, milking every drop of come from his cock before letting it slip from his mouth.

Jack stood and kissed Ianto fiercely as he caressed the back of his head. They were both gasping when they finally broke apart. Jack leaned his forehead on Ianto’s and said, “Thank you, I needed that.”

Ianto laughed. “Shouldn’t I be thanking you?”

Jack just grinned. “Did you hurt your head?”

“My head?”

“When you banged it,” Jack explained, rubbing his hand over the spot.

“Did I?” Ianto smiled and kissed Jack again. “Didn’t notice.”

“Good,” Jack whispered. He glanced at his watch. “Shit, we gotta get upstairs. You coming?”

Ianto raised an eyebrow and gestured at his rather unkempt state. “Go ahead, I need a minute.”

Jack looked at Ianto appraisingly. “What I wouldn’t give for a pair of cuffs right now,” he said as Ianto began to tidy himself up.

“What?!” Ianto asked.

“Yeah,” Jack mused, “cuff you to the cabinet, half-naked and waiting for me. Have to remember that one.” Jack gave him a bright smile. “Some other time. See you upstairs.”

Ianto watched Jack leave the room with a look of disbelief on his face. Surely he was kidding, Ianto thought. Right? Deciding that he really didn’t want to know the answer, Ianto finished putting himself back together and hurried to the conference room. When he arrived, Gwen was fretting about having taken Retcon in the past.

Jack gave Ianto a little glance and then looked at Tosh who was seated next to him. “Then better stay away from sharp objects.”

Ianto chuckled as he sat down at the table.

“Ianto, how many people have we given amnesia pills to?” Jack asked.

Ianto called his last report to mind and answered with typical preciseness, “Two thousand and eight.”

Owen grinned, “Hey! What if they all become psychotic?!”

“Do you have to sound so happy?” Tosh asked with a disgusted look on her face.

“I’m just saying, Mean Streets!” Owen replied.

There was a slight pause and then Jack jumped in with the assignments. “Tosh, narrow the list down to fit Swanson’s profile, start checking them out as fast as you can. You two,” he continued, looking at Gwen and Owen. “There’s got to be a link between the victims. Find the link, find the killer. Get to it.”

Ianto followed Tosh out, intending to give her hand, but he stopped short when he heard Gwen begin to argue with Jack. When she mentioned the glove, Ianto’s blood ran cold. That is a really bad idea, he thought, remembering Suzie’s obsession with the damn thing. He had watched her one afternoon, working with it, oblivious to everyone else in the Hub, focusing all her being on forcing it to work. It had chilled him to the bone, and that was before her killing spree.

He was about to join the argument when Gwen said the one thing he knew would hurt Jack the most. “These murders are happening because of Torchwood. So Torchwood has got to do something.”

Ianto sighed. The glove would be coming out of the safe.

TBC in Chapter Thirty-Eight

vizzini'srule, fanfic, jack/ianto

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