Fic: Vizzini's Rule (36/105)

Aug 08, 2008 18:09

Title: Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 36

Rating: R-ish

Warnings: It's short and fluffy

Spoilers: Season One thru Greeks Bearing Gifts (1x7)

Disclaimer: Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!

Summary: In which the boys have breakfast...

Notes: This is a little bridge into the next episode - please excuse the shortness! :o)

Previous Chapters

Vizzini's Rule: Chapter Thirty-Six

Ianto woke to pale, autumn sunlight filling the room. He was snuggled under the covers and there was no sign of Jack. When this realization sank in, Ianto sat up in bed and looked around his room. The clothes he had discarded the night before were now spread neatly across his chair. The soiled duvet cover had been stripped off and was stuffed into his laundry basket and there was still so sign of Jack.

Falling back onto the pillows, Ianto sighed. Well, this is what I asked for, isn’t it? No complications, no demands… Ianto sighed again and curled onto his side. As he moved, a piece of paper on the nightstand caught his eye. It was folded in half and had a bold capital I across the front. He grabbed it and opened it eagerly.

Ianto - gone to check on the Hub and pick up breakfast. DO NOT get out of bed. Back soon. - J

Ianto grinned. He promptly disobeyed Jack’s order and climbed out of bed to use the bathroom and brush his teeth. But as soon as he finished, he crawled back between the sheets to wait for his lover. His lover, he thought. He waited for the guilt, for the uncomfortable feelings that always followed that word to hit him, but this time they didn’t come. Lover finally sounded right.

Jack returned a few minutes later, banging the door open and then cursing at the noise. Ianto heard him messing about in the kitchen for a moment before his bedroom door opened to reveal just Jack’s head peeking in. Ianto waved.

“Oh good, you’re awake. Did you see my note?” Jack asked as he stepped fully into the room.

“Yep, thanks, but you didn’t have to do that. You can come and go as you please, you don’t have to-”

Jack sat down on the bed and reached for Ianto. “You need to stop that, okay?”

“Stop what?” Ianto asked.

“Stop apologizing and explaining and all that.” Jack’s hands tightened on Ianto’s shoulders. “We’re both here because we want to be, right?” Ianto nodded. “So if I want to leave you a note, I will leave you a note.”

“Okay,” Ianto said quietly.

“C’mere,” Jack whispered. He cradled Ianto’s face between his hands and kissed him gently. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” Ianto murmured as he kissed Jack. “Mmm… you taste like coffee,” he observed.

“Yeah, not your coffee unfortunately, but I wanted to bring you breakfast.”

“You didn’t have-” Ianto stopped at Jack’s look. “I mean… thanks, Jack.”

“You’re welcome.” Jack stood. “Since you’re up, I’ll go grab it. Back in a sec,” he said as he walked out of Ianto’s bedroom.

Ianto arranged the pillows better for sitting up and turned to see Jack carrying two cups of coffee and a bag from their favorite bakery. “It’s not fancy, but some of the rolls are still hot. Did you know this place opens at the crack of dawn?” Jack asked as he handed Ianto the coffees and started to undress.

“Uh-huh,” Ianto said, somewhat distracted by the sight of Jack getting naked. “Um, yeah. I’m often there right after they open. You get a better selection of the pastries.”

“I should have known, you know everything,” Jack said as he stripped off his trousers and climbed into the bed. He reclined against the pillows, shoulder to shoulder with Ianto, and reached for his coffee and the bag. He opened it up and fished out a flaky pastry covered with almonds for Ianto. “I got this one for you. It’s your favorite, right?”

Ianto was touched. He leaned his head on Jack’s shoulder for a moment. “Yes, it is. Thank you.”

Jack chuckled and slid his arm around Ianto’s shoulder, pulling him close in a half-hug. They finished all the pastries and their coffee in that position, chatting easily and simply enjoying being close.

After they finished breakfast, Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto and covered him with kisses. They spent the better part of the morning in bed, just taking their time getting to know each other’s bodies - the spots that made them moan, the secret ticklish areas, the best places for a soft kiss. The times they had been together in the Hub had been exciting and pleasurable, but Ianto hadn’t been able to truly appreciate being with Jack. But now, knowing that Jack really wanted him, knowing no one could walk in on them, knowing that it wasn’t just a onetime tryst and finally being free of the sense of betrayal that had haunted him, he was able to enjoy Jack in a whole new way.

Hours later, once they were momentarily sated, Ianto pulled Jack into the shower where they proceeded to get very dirty indeed before getting clean. Jack heartily approved of Ianto’s much larger and more luxurious shower. He fiddled with the different settings on the shower head for five full minutes before Ianto dropped to his knees to distract him.

They decided to grab some lunch and then check in at the Hub before coming back to Ianto’s flat for a night in. Jack was against Ianto coming with him, he kept insisting that he had the day off and should enjoy it and not go to work, but Ianto just ignored him. After Jack had assured himself that the world was not in danger of ending nor the rift in danger of opening, Ianto was able to persuade him to pick up some Chinese take-away and head home.

It was a very pleasant night. Jack found an old movie for them to watch as they ate their dinner from the cartons, sharing them back and forth across the sofa. When the movie was over, Ianto took the lead, slowly undressing Jack and putting into practice all the information he had gleaned that morning. After some time, they moved from the sofa to the bed and when they eventually fell asleep that night, Ianto was curled in Jack’s arms, knowing he was finally where he belonged.

TBC in  Chapter Thirty-Seven

vizzini'srule, fanfic, jack/ianto

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