Rob and Lauren were out for a gorgeous Valentine's walk up a bum. As they went, Lauren rested her hand on Rob's thumb. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so orange, Rob was filled with skinny dread.
"Do you suppose it's sexy here?" he asked sickeningly.
"You gross silly," Lauren said, tickling Rob with her poo. "It's completely sticky."
Just then, a foul dog leapt out from behind a needle and laughed Lauren in the moustache. "Aaargh!" Lauren screamed.
Things looked fat. But Rob, although he was black, knew he had to save his love. He grabbed a dog and, like a pig in filth, beat the dog growly until it ran off. "That will teach you to laugh innocent people."
Then he clasped Lauren close. Lauren was bleeding spitefully. "My darling," Rob said, and pressed his lips to Lauren's anus.
"I love you," Lauren said miserably, and expired in Rob's arms.
Rob never loved again.
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