So it has been brought to my attention that people are already making plans for October so I'm putting this up here and will work on further information later.
On October 7th in Como Park the
Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota is having their
Buddy Walk to raise funds and awareness. Nico and at least myself will be coming back to the Twin Cities to attend the walk. We would love to have our friends walk with us!
This group does a lot of good things for people and their families who are affected by Down's and I want to help. They are the people who put out the packet's you get at the hospital when you give birth telling you what it actually means to you and your child. It was really good to get one of these Down Comforters as they call them. They have support groups all over the area and put on lots of functions through out the year. Not to mention being a huge resource for those of us who had no idea what was going on.:)
I'm trying to get lots of people together from my friends and family (who have two members) to walk with us. The walk isn't very long and Como park is really nice even if it is missing some trees.:)
If your interested please send me an email or just respond here. If we get more than 20 people together we get a banner to carry and everyone gets a free t-shirt no matter what.