The Horror: Better known as DBE

Apr 29, 2009 07:48

I know I thought about doing a second part on DBE when it came out, but omg that is so not happening.  I decided that I would download it and watch it...and then I found a version on Megavideo....I thought what the heck.  MIght give me something to do.


O_O  30 minutes into watching, I realized that God had abandoned the Earth when that movie was made, and the Devil had a nice time screwing us over 30 ways from Easter Sunday.  O_O  The movie was so bad that it induced literal nausea and headaches out of me.  I had to give up watching the thing all together.   It was not worth the wasted 30 minutes.  And it's sad to think that the reason it truly ran me off, besides of the fact that:

1) Goku was the most emo little bastard I've ever seen before.  Maybe it didn't help that for his 18th birthday his grandfather who I'm glad died early on in the's not the same DB with an alive Gohan-ojiisan...XD  I'm terribly mean aren't I?  But anyway...the old man fixed the boy chicken feet and a cake for his birthday.  What now???  O_o   Yeah, thanks old man.  The boy has no friends, lives in the middle of fucking nowhere with you, and basically that's all you have to offer him.  That and a magic ball made by a bunch of old men....ew....yeah you deserved to die.

2) What the hell went on with Chichi being the same age as Goku, living in some huge as castle house throwing all god-knows of parties.  And sounding as stupid as Goku.  ": D  Hey, I never told anyone but I'm a fighter too!"  Yeah...thanks Chichi...who the hell cares.  Give us Gohan and then fade into the background forever like you did in DBZ.  And come on...Chichi was awesome in DB...but here.......who the hell cares.  And speaking of stupid......Bulma wasn't as bad as I orginally thought...I sort of tolerated her, but I hate to say this about one of my favorite female characters of the show, but give us Trunks and fade into the background to.  Can I just kill the director for hating Bulma's character?  I mean she was epic awesome all the way through GT (which was horrible in itself because everyone kind of had suckitude to the highest degree, and Pan the only female fighter that remain to have some potential basically did not do anything good for the series...well okay, we had Ubuu, who was awesome, but come on, he got screen time a little bit later....suckitude!!!)

3) WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MUTEN ROSHI WITH HIS SHELL!!!!!   I complain, but I really would have loved to see a shell on that man.  Thats what made him Muten Roshi.  He even called himself that.  He deserves to be just Roshi for his epic not being awesomeness.  And let's not talk about Piccolo.  You all saw what I thought about that thing.  And  It fails in a whole.  Fails epicly all around.  I'm not going to bother watching it at all.  I'm not going to bother thinking about it  And just think there are two more movies scheduled to be made.....epic horrible, epic crap, epic waste of time.  All around.

WARNING: DO NOT WATCH UNLESS YOU HAVE LOST YOUR MIND OR HAVE A DEATH WISH!!!!   PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!!  IT'S NOT WORTH IT.  O__O   I even tried watching some of it in spanish....O__O   that didn't help.  Goku sounded hilarious....but I just couldn't do it.  I just could not get past how crappy it was to the highest degree.

Well in other news....XD  I might have found me a new anime to watch for a bit of time.  It's a little wierd, but it's wierd, and I want some background on it before I watch the movie.  What is it you ask?  YATTERMAN!!!   XD    IT'S SUCH AN 80'S FEEL!  XD  YATTER YATTER YATTERMANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   X'D   Ah, good times.  I so can't wait for the movie to be subbed.  Hell, I would watch it unsubbed, just for the awesomeness of it...and of course Sho-chan!  X3

Well....let me go.  XD  I guess I have class or something.

dragon ball de-evolution crap movie

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