Intro To Insanity Version 2.0: Supernatural Fun For Ermm....O_O Someone?

Apr 23, 2009 22:53

All right, everyone has watched the latest Supernatural episode....or will some time this week.  After having put it off for two weeks, with reruns, they've finally decided to show it.

HONESTLY I think they just couldn't talk Ohkawa out of this episode.  Everyone's been like "wtf" since seeing the episode, and yeah, we all wondered how this was going to work out.  Like Sam and Dean haven't suffered enough, but now they learn that they have some illegimate bastard "Kotori" to complete the X series they're doing.....

O_O  You know what....well damn.   Supernatural has just become X in this recent episodes.

Let's see....Hinoto....oh oh my mistake...---->Pamela (XD) is dead...but bah, like we know that's not stopping Ohkawa from things.  That woman has things planned up her sleeves.  I can just bet we're going to see more of this X crossover into Supernatural by the time this series is over.

Dean: So you're saying that we're part of a Japanese conspiracy.

BW_3rd: Part of the Ohkawa conspiracy.  Why do you think nothing has been updated consistently in Japan?  Supernatural, duh!

Sam: That doesn't make sense.

BW_3rd: What?  You being Fuma, and Dean being Kamui.

Sam: D :   Why is Dean, Kamui?

BW_3rd: Because he's wanted by the forces of good.  See the correlation between Kamui's name which means one who represents the majesty of God.  : D  The angels brought Dean back because they want him to end the Apocalpyse.  : D  Hence he's Kamui.

Sam:  .........D : Then I'm Fuma?

BW_3rd: Well, you have your Kanoe.

Sam: O_O?

BW_3rd: Ruby *rolls eyes*  Moving on....should we talk about Castiel and Version 2.0.

Castiel:  =__=   I don't like the sounds of that.

BW_3rd:  Well you too bad, Ohkawa has deemed it so.  The fangirls don't like it anymore than you do.  Go boo boo to the lady who has threatened all the writers with her aura of doom.

*all look at Ohkawa sitting in the corner with her doom/angst aura*

Ohkawa: Hohohohohohohohohoho!!!!!!!!!!!!   8D  The things that I have planned next!

Group: ................*shudders*


supernatural x/1999 merger of angst and

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