Jan 12, 2005 15:14
I am about to do something that scares the hell out of me: submit letters of query to literary agencies. Some of you might be thinking that I'm querying for Cautionary Tale. This is not the case. I query for Big Green Lizard. Believe it or not, it is much closer to being "done" than Cautionary. In fact, Cautionary is on the verge of being totally revamped, as in taking it out of the Renaissance and into modern day. I've been struggling with this book since the beginning, but especially since having written Big Green Lizard. My first book no longer feels the way I want it to feel. It doesn't feel like me.
'Got some books from the library on getting published. They don't mince their words. I'll have to post some excerpts from them. They certainly don't improve my confidence in my writing abilities. And they make it sound like getting published and making a living as a writer is about as common as winning the lottery. Not to mention the thing I ran into when I took English classes in college: the elitism, the snobbery, the "If you haven't read so and so, you don't know what you're doing."
I believe I have a bit of natural ability. Maybe that's not enough. Maybe luck plays a huge part. But this is my biggest, always present dream and I'm not ready to acquiesce to the naysayers. Not until I get at least a few rejections, I suppose. Then it will be time to play "How Bad Do You Want This?" and "So You Think You Have Talent."