Title: Raw Infatuation
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Pairing: Gokudera/Yamamoto
Rating: PG-13 for BL hints
Prompt: 82. Gokudera/Yamamoto - addiction, “I want to break this spell you’ve cast over me.”
Word count: 281
Summary: Yamamoto can't focus on anything anymore.
khrfest Sometimes, Yamamoto finds himself wanting to take a dip in the coldest river where he can swim and wash and scrub himself raw. He didn't remember when it started, but he knew it was still there.
This attachment, this irritation... it was driving him insane.
His nose became sensitive to every smell lingering in the air. Just a faint whiff of musk and smoke around the corners would send shivers down his spine. Musk and cigarette smoke were the strongest part of Gokudera engraved in Yamamoto's mind. Sometimes when he turned around to see someone else carrying similar scent, Yamamoto would scowl.
No one but Gokudera was supposed to smell that way. No one.
He loved running his hand through Gokudera’s silky silver locks when they kissed. He hated the thought of not seeing Gokudera for a day. At night, he dreamt of clear green eyes half lidded with passion looking down at him. In his dreams, he could feel the cold metal of Gokudera’s rings igniting one thousand different sensations to his body as piano hands moved in sensual patterns.
He was Yamamoto Takeshi, known as the one who could ward off everything with a cheery smile. He was not supposed to be so addicted to the point of associating every single thing with Gokudera. Silver like Gokudera’s hair, green like Gokudera’s eyes, moist like Gokudera’s lips…
He couldn’t focus on baseball anymore. He couldn’t focus on his sword training. He couldn’t focus on his studies. There was nothing he could focus on.
Except Gokudera.
Sometimes, Yamamoto wished he was not as crazy, but when Gokudera grinned and smiled and laughed, he hoped to never be free from his infatuation.