i have a history of wheat and sugar related illnesses and i'm getting exasperated. i want to eat what other people eat, but i'm coming to realize that i really need to make a major diet change and learn to accept it. i am making changes bit by bit to become healthier and i'm trying to be patient with the idea of me not becoming well again overnight. my first step was quitting smoking. my second step was incorporating a suitable exercise program, in my case this is bikram yoga. the third step was cutting back on my daily coffee habit. along with that i have instinctively lost my taste for alcohol. the fourth step which i am gearing up for is cutting out all wheat and refined sugar. i may have to cut out fruit (but i love fruit!!! :()as well since it's very high in sugar, we shall see. i'm sick of all the discomfort i am going through and i need to find the discipline i had last fall when i cut out all the bad stuff.
joshua even offered to go through the diet changes with me just so i wouldn't have to do it alone. i'm not sure i want to ask that much of him, but i'm very very touched that he would be willing to go that far for me. his thoughtfulness and selflessness toward me make me realize just how much i love him and how much of a gift he is to me. we shall see where my diet stands when he's here for good.
update: he fucking rocks. to cheer me up he got me
this i saw it in london but they were all sold out and we spent a whole day looking high and low for it only to come up with nothing. i have wanted this poster more than anything. i feel so lucky to have such an awesome partner i think i'm gonna cry. :)