Ultimate Fantasy Chapter Seven

Aug 09, 2013 09:22

Being back in that bed-the new bed, the good bed, the one that kept them so far apart-was not the most comforting experience after everything that had happened. Spoony wasn’t going to tolerate it. As soon as the light was off and Linkara had lain down on his side, Spoony rolled over and wound his arms around Linkara, pressing his face into his friend’s chest. Linkara wrapped his arms around Spoony in turn, hugging him like he used to, running a hand through his long dark hair.

“What are we going to do?” Spoony mumbled into Linkara’s chest.

“I don’t know,” Linkara admitted. “I guess we’ll have to leave. If we go away, maybe Mercer will drop the case against Critic. The others can have their jobs back and we can start over somewhere else. Go to San Francisco or something and find someone who thinks we’re attractive.”

“We’re gonna stick together, right?” Spoony asked. “You’re gonna stay with me?”

“Of course,” Linkara answered. “As if I could stay away from you.”

“Linkara,” Spoony said. “Will you marry me?”

It took a moment for the words to sink in, but once Linkara realized what had been said, he sat straight up. “What?” he asked.

Spoony looked up at Linkara, green eyes bright. “Will you marry me?”

Linkara stared at him. “Spoony…”

“I’m sorry,” Spoony said, pushing himself up on his elbows. “It’s just… we’re gonna be together and I don’t want anyone else and you… I…”

“Don’t people get married because they love each other?” Linkara asked hesitantly.

“Yes,” Spoony said. His eyes were wide and his lips were parted and Linkara couldn’t help but lean down and kiss him. Spoony moaned and kissed back, winding his arms back around Linkara and pulling him closer. Linkara tangled one hand in Spoony’s hair, leaning closer, deepening the kiss. Spoony pulled back after a moment and stared at Linkara, the question still shining in his eyes.

“Yes,” Linkara said. “Yes, I’ll marry you. When this is all over, I’ll marry you.” He hesitated a moment. “Do you…? I mean, do you want to…?”

“Yes,” Spoony said.

No more words were spoken that night. There were more kisses, soft touches, a few tears, but no words. Linkara was as gentle as he could be, stroking Spoony’s hair, kissing him softly, asking with his eyes if every move was all right. And every question was answered with a yes, every touch was met with a response, every thrust of Linkara’s hips was matched by Spoony’s in return, every mark on one’s neck reflected on the other’s. Their eyes met as they reached their peaks and they collapsed onto each other. Linkara pulled Spoony close and kissed him.

They fell asleep like that, tangled together like they used to be, but even closer, even more comforted. And though the bed was large, it didn’t feel lonely anymore.


Upon reflection, it was simply amazing to Linkara that it had taken seven years for them to reach this point. They had been best friends for so long, ever since Linkara had fallen down a flight of stairs while moving into the dorms. Spoony had picked him up and helped carry the rest of his things up and they had stuck together ever since. Lying beside Spoony the next morning, the sunlight reflecting off of his hair, Linkara wondered why they hadn’t done this in spite of the desire that must have been there for so long.

Not that it really mattered now. Linkara smiled as he leaned over and kissed Spoony gently on the cheek, stroking his shoulder with one hand. Spoony smiled and opened his eyes. “Morning,” he said, rolling over and kissing Linkara properly.

They lay there for several minutes, kissing and stroking, but not getting too heated. There would be plenty of time for that-a whole lifetime for it. After a while, Linkara leaned up and looked at Spoony. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

“Okay?” Spoony repeated. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt better.”

Linkara smiled at him. “Me neither.” They kissed again, gentle and chaste, before Linkara pulled back. “We should get up,” he said. “Start looking for something we can do for the next six months.”

Spoony sighed. “I guess.” They rose and dressed, glancing at each other with small smiles, before going out to the kitchen.

Harvey was already there, reading the paper and smoking his first cigarette of the day. “Critic called,” he said as Linkara and Spoony entered the room. “Says that he wants you at the club at five as usual, no excuses.”

“But we’ve been shut down,” Linkara said, sitting down and grabbing part of the paper. “Why would he want us there if we’re not operating?”

“Don’t ask me,” Harvey said. “I’m just passing on the message.” He studied Linkara and Spoony critically before smiling. “So you finally got on with it, then?”

“Shut up,” they snapped together. “Will you take us over there?” Linkara asked as Spoony sat down next to him. “Don’t Mercer to be able to get to us.”

“Course I will, Kid,” Harvey said.

“Thanks,” Linkara said.


If Linkara and Spoony were surprised that Critic had called them in that day, it was nothing compared to when they actually walked into the club to find Chick shouting at the Rated-X Men as though nothing had happened. “Critic’s in his office,” she snapped without turning around.

“Thanks,” Linkara said. “But what are you doing?”

“Well, we have some time before our next performance, so we’re learning new choreography.”

“But we’re shut down,” Spoony pointed out. “When are you going to show off whatever you’re learning?”

“I suggest you talk to Critic,” Chick said, finally turning to look at them. She frowned suddenly. “And I suggest you put on some makeup before talking to him.”

“Makeup?” Linkara repeated. “What for?”

Chick looked pointedly at the hickeys on Linkara’s neck. “For the nice bruises Spoony left on you. Was it last night or this morning?”

“Um… last night,” Linkara said in confusion.

“Ha!” Todd shouted from the DJ’s booth as everyone else in the room groaned and started digging through their pockets.

“You fuckers were betting on when we would sleep together?” Spoony asked in irritation.

“Well, yeah,” Chick said, finding her wallet. “Now get going and see Critic. And tell him he owes Todd ten dollars.”

“Will do,” Linkara called as they headed off. Linkara knocked on the door of the office and was immediately told to enter.

Critic was sitting at his desk, looking like he always did. “Afternoon,” he said calmly. He studied them for a minute and sighed. “Who won?” he asked.

“Todd,” Linkara answered. “Critic, what’s going on? We got shut down but Chick’s out there rehearsing and you’re calling us in and-”

“We weren’t completely shut down,” Critic said. “I had my lawyer look over the actual implications of that raid and until the investigation’s over, they’ve only pulled the license for the stripping.”

“So?” Spoony said. “This is a strip club. What are you going to do without a license?”

“I still have a liquor license and a business license,” Critic pointed out. “So until all of this is sorted, we can still be open as long as no one takes their clothes off.”

“Listen, Critic,” Linkara said. “I had Harvey look into this. That guy-”

“Mercer. I know.” Critic smiled. “You’re not the only one with connections, Linkara. And neither is he. I should have this cleared up fairly soon, but you two need to work with me.”

“You’re going to fire us, aren’t you?” Spoony said quietly.

“No,” Critic said. “I’m not. You two are still the most successful act I’ve ever had and damned if I’m gonna lose you now. But until I’ve got this sorted out, you won’t be performing, even with your clothes on.”

“Critic, we can’t perform with our clothes on,” Linkara said with a smile. “In case you haven’t noticed, we really can’t dance.”

“I know,” Critic said. “But that’s not why. Apparently, Mercer just wants to make your lives hell because you’re the ones who pissed him off. And from what I can tell, he has a bit of a possessive streak on him and he’s focused it on Spoony.”

Spoony paled and Linkara put his arm around his shoulders. “What does that mean?” Linkara asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

“Far as I can tell, he’ll drop everything against the club if Spoony doesn’t perform,” Critic answered. “Or if you have to perform, he’ll drop it if you willingly sleep with him or something.”

“What is this, the fucking Moulin Rouge?” Spoony asked. “Well guess what? I’m not a beautiful misunderstood hooker dying of tuberculosis. I don’t have a pretty boy writer defending my honor that he can threaten. I have so much to lose by giving into him and you are not worth saving, Critic. That asshole raped me. Raped me. I’m not going through that again.”

“I’m not asking you to,” Critic snapped. “I’m just saying that until this is over, you’re not performing. There are a thousand other things you two can do around here so you get a paycheck that don’t involve anyone seeing you. No one even has to know you’re on the payroll.”

Linkara and Spoony looked at each other. If they didn’t have to leave… “What do you want us to do?” Linkara asked.

“We’re moving to a more traditional theater type thing for right now,” Critic answered. “You two are going backstage to build sets and mend costumes and run errands and whatever else we can think of. The rest of them are going to be dancing as usual, and a few of them might even sing, some have good voices at least. Chick’s putting the whole thing together and no clothes will be shed. We reopen in two weeks once we have a decent show together, and I expect you two working backstage every night except Tuesday and Wednesday until then.”

“Won’t Mercer pull your business license if he finds out we’re still here?” Linkara asked.

“Let him try,” Critic said. “The original charge will break down quickly enough, even with the mayor stringing it out, and there’s no reason I can’t run a legitimate business in the meantime. And if he tries to stop me, I know people too.” He looked at them for a moment. “Spoony, if you want to bring charges against him, now would be the time. Before we get too mired in other problems.”

Spoony glanced at Linkara. “I… I don’t think I can. There’s no evidence. I went with him willingly, even if I didn’t consent. Besides, he has money and influence and connections while I’m just a poor stripper. I can’t win that case, even if I bring it.”

Critic nodded. “Okay,” he said. “That’s your choice. But he’s still banned.”

“Thank you,” Spoony said.

“Yeah, yeah. Now go backstage and see what needs doing. We’ve got a show to put together and very little time to do it, and we need all the help we can get.”

series: ultimate fantasy, character: nostalgia critic, character: todd in the shadows, character: spoony, character: nostalgia chick, character: linkara, character: harvey finevoice, fanfic, oc: mercer, character: oc, nsfw, tgwtg

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