Title: Got A Secret, Can You Keep It? Author: butterflys_fics/blacksouledbutterfly Rating: PG-13 Pairing(s): Mal/Eames Word Count: 1,895 Summary: Phillipa isn't Cobb's daughter. Warnings: Very mild mentions of sex. Notes: For this prompt at inception_kink.
Title: Nothing Hurts Like Your Mouth Author: butterflys_fics/blacksouledbutterfly Rating: R Pairing(s): Mal/Arthur Word Count: 1,798 Summary: The first time Arthur meets Mal is in Paris. Warnings: Pre-movie. Mentions of sex. Notes: For this prompt at inception_kink.
Title: Siren Author: butterflys_fics/blacksouledbutterfly Rating: PG Pairing(s): Mal/Cobb Word Count: 600 Summary: He dreams of her nightly, the only way he can see her. Warnings: None