We are going to be busy but it is all good.
Thursday we are going to Jeff's Uncle Fred and Aunt Andrea. They have an apartment that is bigger than our house on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Dinner should be nice. Jeff's brother and sister-in-law will be there with his niece so that is good. I am bringing a pumpkin pie. Need to do a test run of that this weekend.
Friday we are having my family over. My parents (2), my brother and his family (4) and my sister (1). My nephew will be with his Dad. We might invite one of Hannah's friends over. Her family just moved out here from California.
Saturday we are doing a Leftovers Party at our friends Jason and Allison's house. We did it last year for the first time and it was great. Loved the variety of foods. There were at least five kinds of stuffing and loads of veggies. So good!
Sunday we might be going to the
Grounds for Sculpture for the day with Jeff's brother's family. The park is all lit up for the holidays and they have a Gingerbread House exhibit.
Now I need to plan my menu for Friday. I want to do Turkey but figure everyone will be tired of Turkey by then. Jeff and I were talking about doing a beef roast but the cost might be prohibitive. We'll see. So far I have nothing planned. I wish this weekend we were going to be around more. We have a Bat Mitzvah service and luncheon to attend in the morning. Jeff, Hannah and I are going to the party in the evening. Peter wasn't invited and that is fine. He doesn't want to hang around a bunch of screaming girls anyway. He will sleep over at my inlaws. I would like to get some family pictures back up on the wall by the door in the living room. We took them down last year to paint and have never put them back up. Sunday will probably be spent shopping, cooking and cleaning but that's okay.
What is on your menus for Turkey Day?