Random insight of myself Nr.2

Aug 04, 2014 17:35

Sooo, i didn`t post anything in here for a while xD i think my livejournal is something more of a diary haha because no one reads this stuff but that`s fine. I wanted to write something about my current situation. It looks really bad. Well,  i want to travel to australia. I wanted this for  a long time and originally i wanted to be there for a year ( yeah, sure) Of course i didn`t manage to do that because 1.) i didn`t have the money and 2.) i didn`t fucking worked enough. Then i got the money and i could have spend 3 months there, which would have been just fine. But somehow i just didn`t managed to do that. I don`t know why myself. I was too lazy and i didn`t organize my trip. Sometimes i was scared and sometimes it seemed like too much a hassle. But i really want to go there. Which brings us to now. Almost most of my money is gone and my time is less and less. If i fly by next week i can be there for a month. I really want to do that, but now it seems like i don`t have enough time to organize it. It sucks because i told all my friends and family that i will go there. Everyone asks me about it and i whished i wouldn`t have bragged about it and tell them when it was 100% (lesson to myself)
So now i`m really frustrated.

Has someone experienced something simlilar or has some tipps? It would be great if you could write me :)

Yeah, that`s my life right now xD
greetings, Thalia

trip, diary, life, australia, me, personal

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