Aug 02, 2012 18:31
I'm going for an appointment for script work on Saturday. It's a song lyric for Jakob that I'm getting done but I'm stuck on the wording I want to go with. One word makes a big difference or maybe i'm analyzing too much.
The actual lyrics are "I'm only here because you stole my heart"
but I'm thinknig of dropping the only so that it reads "I'm here because you stole my heart"
that only seems so that he's the only thing in the entire world that matters. And while he IS my world, he's not my entire world.
I want to get the tattoo because from the moment I met my nephew so many of my life's plans were thrown out the window, because he absolutely stole my heart. Now that I'm getting my shit together and probably moving where I can't see him all the time (and not to mention I'm in a situation where I'll probably be denied him a lot more) I want something to remind myself why my life was on hold for so long. Because he had my heart by the strings and always will.
He, along with Kuri, really is the only reason I'm here though and not travelling the world. Or dead. Or just lost in the wind. The thought of them without me has taken me from the edge more than once.
So, does that only stay or drop it? I need help with my internal debate.
oh gods, please do yourself a favour though. Don't look up where the lyric is from. It's kinda embarrassing. I always thought my first song lyric would be Green Day or something, not a pop sensation.
music love