Apr 23, 2014 21:29
Easter baskets and Christmas stockings are two things I really miss having made for me, when those holidays come around.
I'll be my own Easter bunny because I have to. This year I had Jelly Bellies. I haven't had them in over a year. I ate too many of them in one sitting, because I poured a little bowl and they were too fun to stop eating. I didn't look at the flavor menu on the bad, so every one of them was a little flavor adventure. It made my brain itch in the best way, though when I didn't even look at the color, it was disorienting.
Juicy Pear. Ugh! I dislike pears and juicy pear lives up to its name. But the bag had coffee ones! And bubble gum, toasted marshmallow, strawberry cheesecake, butter popcorn, and cotton candy. No peanut butter. I have to go find those and make my own favorites mix.
I was going to post about my renewed Jelly Belly delight on tumblr, and the tag torpedoed that, because I found out that the chairman of JB donated 5K to the group that is working to reverse the new California law that recognizes more rights for transgendered people. (So, yeah, I think that's not the venue for sharing Jelly Belly love right now.)
Which makes me wonder, would you be off-put by a unisex restroom, if it was kept clean and had private stalls? Personally, I'd rather not have to see dudes at the urinals, but I'd be cool with an obscuring wall for that section. It would be simpler if everything were like family restrooms, which have both toilet and urinal, though those family restrooms take up a lot of space.