On the "snow queen" from Disney's Frozen

Dec 30, 2013 11:24

1. I'm perfectly OK with the "inspired by" aspect of the movie story, because it barely touches the Hans Christian Anderson story that I love so much. They did manage to sneak in a reference to "all the world and a pair of skates," for someone looking for it. (That is, me and like 6 other people worldwide.)

2. Frozen is in the same world as Tangled (established by the Rapuzel cameo). Elsa was born with her ice power. What if her circumstance had a similar cause? Something her mom ate while pregnant? Remember how, in Studio Gibli's Howl's Moving Castle, Howl ate a fallen star and became magic because of it?

3. Fanfic brain has things to say about Elsa's inner landscape:
I find myself thinking about Elsa's "Let It Go." The animation can't keep up with Menzel's powerhouse emoting. She makes sense of a rushed character transition.

The lyrics say, "They'll never see me cry." Considering the way Elsa has had to keep in her emotions, I interpret this not as "I won't cry" but as "now I can cry because no one will see it." The "Let It Go" sequence is less about letting her power free than about letting herself free. Letting herself be free to express her feelings.

The first thing Elsa makes is Olaf, the snowman. Olaf is Elsa's child-self expression of fun. She makes him in her first moments of joy without with realizing. He is eternally positive, even when he starts melting. He embraces everything with an open heart.

The second thing that Elsa makes is her ice palace, which could be her creative expression. Third, she changes her appearance.

Her fourth creation is where Elsa truly starts to let go. She makes the ice monster, Marshmallow, who is an expression of her anger. Not her fear, but her anger that Anna won't keep away from her.

I wish we had seen a better ending than "Love will melt!" I think what we needed to see is Elsa letting go of her barriers fully. I think that she should have said "I love you" to her sister, and doing so free herself from the binding that fear of harming her little sister had created. Finally, someone saw her as she was and loved her.

Originated at butterflydreaming on the friendly isle of dreamWIDTH.
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