May 02, 2006 08:34
A year ago,I was in such a different place.It was a year ago today that I talked to Jeff last...the last hurrah I guess.A year ago I was in my little "cave", errr apartment I mean,finishing up the last of my work and studying for my final set of finals at Gordon.I remember how anxious I was to graduate.It was an exciting day.I remember walking down the aisle with crowds of people on each side of me.My mom was waving frantically with tears in her eyes.Krissi was there with a big smile on her face.Afterwards we all went to lunch at Vinny T's.And that night I packed up all my things.Jill and I sat in her empty apartment watching a dvd on her laptop.My last night at Gordon.
It was an eerie feeling to move out of our apartment.The tears came when I said goodbye to Rick.He was the first one I said bye to and I had no intention of crying, but it occured to me in that moment that Gordon had been my home for 4 years and maybe i wasn't as ready as I thought I was to say goodbye.I said goodbye to Jill last and that was the hardest thing to do.I drove away that day with tears in my eyes,glad to be done,but also sad.
Now here I am a year later in Kentucky of all places.Sometimes I really do wonder why I'm here.I really am getting frustrated with the, "Oh,you're from Ct.You must be rich" comments.First of all,thanks so much for the stereotype.Second of all,why does my family's financial status matter one bit? Third of all,people who make those comments don't know my family,so maybe they shouldn't make assumptions about the way I live.It's definitely hard to be a northerner down here,but I am still grateful to be here.No "I told you so's" because I don't think that's neccesary...