Feb 05, 2007 15:51
me and karl are getting a joint checking account...this is a serious step in the direction of you know what... we're going to see how well we manage finances together..before taking the next big step. :)
he got fucked by first meritt today...i've been telling him how shitty they are as a bank for a couple years now..and today he finally got it. FUCK FIRST MERRIT!!!! i used to bank with them and they fucked me over so bad..and i know of so many other ppl they have fucked over as well..the only ppl who don't realize how bad they fuck ppl over are ppl who have enough money in their account that they dont see the fees they constantly take out of your account. seriously if your considering banking with them DONT. and if you already do cancel your account. because if you dont you will eventually see that what i'm talking about is so true...on a lighter note!!
my little stud muffin kaido is walkin like crazy..talkin like crazy and turning 1 this month. i will call everyone to let them know of his party!! i'm having a huge curious george cake made for him. actually mom is getting it made by a custom cake decorator that she knows. for christmas her friend gave her a 50 dollar gift certificate to her shop. so my mom said she is going to have the cake made. and then of course a little cake for kaiden he has to have a milk free cake..anything for my prince . i cant believe my baby is going to be one. me and karl were talking about it last night and we both got a little sad. our baby 1 years old already. it has gone by way to fast. and then it kind of made me sad that i wont get to have any more babies. sometimes i do regret getting fixed . there are things i dont miss about babies ...like the lack of sleep . fussy tummies...the first cutting of the teeth...but the positives WAY out weight the negatives. and there are so many things i will miss. i will never again have a first birthday. or hear my little one say mama for the first time. and actually i'm a little sad to never be pregnant again or experience childbirth. sometimes i still think of my time in the hospital and how amazing karl was. and we had such a good time laughing and how much of a support system he was for me. and how everyday he made me feel beautifull. and after kaiden was born he told me there was no other place he would want to be and how much he loved our baby and that melted my heart. he was so adorable and so instantly in love with kaiden and sometimes it still melts my heart to see how amazing he is with him and how much he loves him. both my kids are lucky their dads are great.
another thing lately is i'm hating turning 26. i feel like i'm getting so old and it depresses me.
i however am getting so excited about going to colorado in may. i cant wait to see everyone back home!!
i made a list of things i want to accomplish this year to make me feel not so unaccomplished. a couple of the things are
play my bass more
play my sax more
take a pottery class
join an excersize group
go back to colorado
go snowboarding atleast 6 times
get emily on the slopes
start learning how to sew
and by the end of the year!!!
there are more. i've already accomplished 2
*get back in the pants i was wearing before i got pregnant
*stop drinking pop and eating sugar
and on wednesday luci is helping me accomplish one more goal...i'm changing my hair color...
i'll post pics on myspace thursday....it's going to be alot different!!
oh and the superbowl sucked ass this year..and i was going for the bears and they totally dissapointed me..well gotta go change a shitty diaper!!!