forget about your worries and your strife

Jun 22, 2009 22:54

I have actually had the intent of posting for, um, the last few weeks, but I never got around to it. XD Whoops?

I finished my first year of college - finally! I have moved out of Ashton and that living situation and am on to such better things next year. I want summer to woosh along because next October I have a job and a relatively good living situation and great classes and friends...but I also want it to be summer because I have so much to do, just so many projects. It'll be very chill. I tried very hard last weekend to find a job. I filled out applications for three days straight and updated practically all my resumes (I have five, holy cow) and...NOBODY IS HIRING. I'm mad. It makes sense, it's just a bummer. It looks like the only summer work I'll have this summer is nannying, which actually pays pretty well, so I'm not complaining. It's relatively few hours (I have eight a week through August for sure and since I have at least five families who I babysit for regularly I'll have several more hours that I don't know of yet), but at least it's something. I wish there was more because I'm having computer difficulties...argh.

My computer's been acting up lately, so I backed everything onto my external harddrive and I was going to call HP today and complain, but I swear it's as if Lupin (my computer) KNEW that he was in Big Trouble, because all the problems except two have fixed themselves. Magically. The screen rotates properly, the function key works, the keyboard is just fine. Huuuuh. It's still loud and it still reboots randomly, but those are "known issues" according to the HP website and have a few suggested fixes, so I'll try those before I do anything else. The reason why I've been worried about these "relatively small" problems (and the button that's popping off on the screen) is because my warranty expires in two weeks and I wanted to get taken care of the things I could, but Mom and I talked it over and I am just going to buy an additional year on the warranty. My Dell computer died spectacularly in its second year (one thing after another just went wrong), so I figure if Lupin (an HP) goes, it'll start going next year, and the warranty covers all parts plus shipping and handling. It'll be a great relief to know that I'm still covered, so that's what I'm going for. It's unfortunate because it's just shy of $200, and we don't have money for that right now, so I need to shell it out of my own pocket. Which I can do (I'm so frugal) because I have enough in my account, but it's easily the largest amount of money I've spent on something...wait, that's a lie, nevermind. Still it's substantial and so I'm putting it off :D If my dad gets another proposal funded this summer then my mom will pay for half of it, and since I just got paid $100 for babysitting this week there's that, but in the meantime, holy cow, money. @_@ But better paid now than so much later when the computer starts to malfunction! Why is that always the way with electronics?

So other than babysitting off and on, the summer will be light. I have a few activities with friends planned (NOT ENOUGH, HELP ME HERE, I WANT SOCIAL INTERACTION), maybe a trip to the family cabin, but this is actually a great summer for me to be around home. My mom's having surgery on July 14th so she'll need me around the house for the next six weeks/two months to do things. She's having wrist surgery for carpal tunnel (so excited for that when I'm older, owow) so she won't be able to drive herself anywhere or do gardening or even lift a pan to cook for a while. It's lucky I'm going to be home to do those things for her, right? What are children for.

I have several summer projects of my own that I'm working on. List time! I like lists!

1. Clean my room. I'm not even joking, it's nasty in here.
2. NOT GET SICK. I'm failing at this one already, my asthma is trying o suffocate me and my eye is having problems, but they're both easily managed. I will be healthy for three months straight, dammit!
3. Start pilates again.
4. Gaia (everything)
5. Roleplay with Darci
6a. The Grass is Always Greener - edit and rewrite it
6b. Get somewhere on The Prisoner of Hogwarts, with Clarissa :D We can make it, right?!
6d. The monster!fic of doom I'm working on. I want it done.

I'm sure there's more that I'm not thinking of right now, like that theatre scrapbook I have been meaning to do, but I don't know if I'll even touch that, XD I never have. Mom is also determined that this summer she's going to teach me to sew, but she was determined to do that last summer and HA that failed. I can embrioder but get me near a sewing machine and I fail so hard. I sewed a back on a latch-hook rug I made and forgot to leave a space to stuff it so it'd be soft. Not two days later I sewed a pillowcase and forgot to leave a hole so you could actually put the pillow in it. I'm not kidding.

I'm glad it's summer. I wish it would be warmer, though! It's good to have a break, from people and from schoolwork. My grades came in today, and I have to laugh at myself, XD I've been getting an A- in Musicianship all year long so this quarter I was dead-determined to get an A (I'm so annoyed at A-minuses). I DID IT!...but then I got an A- in another class! I can't win!

Grades are...silly things, but I won't go into that dealio right now. IT'S SUMMER!

And here is a meme I did. Am doing. Hooray!

♠ I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
♠ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
♠ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

From itachitachi

1. You have won a free hypoallergenic kitten! What will you name it?

OH. OH. I WANT ONE. What does it look like? Do I get to pick? I would name it Hazelnut and pick one colored all yellowy-orangey-caramelly-appropriately.

2. You may shred (1) garment of mine. Which do you choose? (PICK WISELY, MY FRIEND.)

ONLY ONE?! I think we would have the most fun shedding that neon green fleece jacket of yours. IT WOULD GO EVERYWHERE, IT WOULD BE LIKE RAINING GREEN. It'd be an awesome demise.

3. Your favorite Disney song?

Funny that you asked me this considering I've just been listening to a ton of them, but I can't pick! D: There are so many good ones! I love the music from Aladdin and from Mulan and from I have to pick just one? I have two favorites at the moment. "Love" from Robin Hood, because Robin Hood is my FAVORITE DISNEY MOVIE EVER, not even kidding, and "Be A Man" from Mulan, because really, who doesn't love that song? It's so catchy and hilarious and wonderful. ...can I keep picking favorites? Because I also really like Go The Distance from Hercules...and a lot of Hercules songs...and Hakuna Makata is hysterical...:D I CAN KEEP GOING!

4. If you could choose your eye color from any shade IN EXISTENCE, what would you change it to? (YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PICK YOUR CURRENT EYE COLOR.)


5. If you could finish ONLY ONE of our current co-write projects, which would it be? (And how long would it take us? XD)

I am using the term "project" like an umbrella and covering all of our HP/YYH work with it, because it's going to be AMAZING! All three/four/five fics of it :D We will probably have graduated from college by the time we finish the first one them. But that's my being, er, pessimistic? We can do better than that! Right?!

college, meme, theatre, summer goals

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