if you don't dream big

May 30, 2009 21:36

So I don't know about your college, but my college has luggage carts that can be used for moving things around, obviously, because dorm-furniture and boxes get really heavy. In coming back from my awesome afternoon out today there was one of these carts sitting outside my room. At first I paid it no mind, but a little while later I looked out and my across-the-hall-neighbor-friend was attempting to skateboard down the hall using the luggage cart. Naturally I abandoned the internetz and rushed to help and we pretty much just ran up and down the hall like a lot, alternately pushing/riding the luggage cart with the other person on it. MY SCHOOL BETTER THAN YOURS. I need to stay here on weekends more often!

Today was good. I slept until 11, then got up and had lunch, then went to grab coffee with Katie, then proceeded to go down and walk by the canal for the second time in as many days. It was an hour walk and gorgeous, and we stopped and put our feet in the water again just like yesterday. So very beautiful, and it's been so warm! Then I went to strike the See Rock City set, and then from there went to the Theatre Department picnic - yippee! It was outside at Discovery Park and so beautiful. There was an epic cookout and an even more epic Volleyball game. It's so awesome to see professors playing with the students, and the kids of the professors running around screaming. So much fun. I and other people played tag-team Scrabble...I would have lost spectactularly if not for the word "Qi", which the Q was on a double-letter, so I got 21 points in one fell swoop. Go me!

(I still lost, just not as spectactularly as I originally feared. Hooray Scrabble!)

It was a good time. I really like the people I'm with.

Let's see, Thursday night was Ashton Ball, and at the Space Needle no less! It was like Prom all over again, only, um, way better. I went with a group of girls, we had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory beforehand, and then when we got up to the Space Needle Banquet Floor we pretty much just danced for two straight hours. I have never done that much dancing before, and I was surprised by how fast the time went and how much fun it was. It's great to just let go every now and then.

I've been going for long walks and just trying to enjoy the spring while it's here. Next spring I might not be able to so much because - guess what - I've been officially asked to stage manage the spring mainstage show! That means winter quarter and half of spring quarter I will be quite the busy person, but I don't even care. You guys, I'm getting paid to stage manage. I'm so excited!

Next year is going to be great. I'm going to be paid to stage manage (EEEE), to work in theatre, I'm going to be taking awesome classes (again), I totally know how the college thing works now so I am no longer afraid, I have a great roommate and we are living in a great dorm (no more Ashton!). Just have to get through this next week and a half first. This next week will be diffcult, but it'll all get done somehow or other. Just have to get to Wednesday, just have to get through Tuesday. Tuesday night I have been last-minute-asked to stage manage the Percussion Ensemble Recital. I wasn't originally scheduled to do this but my professor emailed me asking if I could, since there have been some recent problems with student stage managers and they need experienced stage managers for certain recitals, of which this is one, Lisa, can you do it? And when asked like that of course I had to say yes! So Tuesday will be hard but I'll manage. I have a final that morning and class from 10:30 - 2:30, then from 3 - 5:30, and I have to be at the theatre for the ensemble at 5:45. I will probably get lunch but I don't know if I'll get dinner, haha! And then on Wednesday I have a presentation and a paper due and probably other homework which I will get on Monday, oh well, I'll just have a crazy Monday and Tuesday night trying to get this all done. Actually I have a giant thing due on Monday night as well which I should probably do now instead of putting it off until tomorrow but you know, it's not due until Monday, I think me and my responsible work ethic will just not do it tonight. :) Tomorrow for the win!

Another group of girls just went screaming past on the luggage cart. I'm not the only crazy one around here!

college, theatre

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