Jun 05, 2005 10:03
Ahhh, I still can't make any noise, but pain killers and hot tea have brought me some temporary relief from this sore throat. I'll take what I can get, I guess, and tomorrow at school I'll carry around a notepad and pen, maybe? I don't think staying home is an option, unfortunately - I have a math test tomorrow, as well as an essay due for English.
I got my exam schedule on Thursday, which really brought home the fact that school's almost over! I'll be writing my English exam on Monday June 20th at 12:30 PM, and my math exam on Tuesday, June 21st at 8:00 AM. Sixteen days to go. Then, I'm out of there for an entire glorious two months, two weeks, and two days until September 6th, to be precise. It's a little frustrating hearing about everyone's plans for University in September, since I was positive that I'd be doing the same thing, but I guess an extra semester of high school isn't the worst thing in the world. I'll make the best of it, anyways, and try not to let it bug me. Anyways, I don't need to think about it for a bit.
I definitely want to figure out some kind of exercise schedule, because one of my big goals this summer is to get into better shape. I think I want to swim a lot more - it's fun, and I was really into it when I was younger, so it'd be fun to start again. Plus, the Wellness Centre is right by my house, so I'll have easy pool access all the time. Throw in some jogging, on my treadmill and the pretty walking path behind my house, and I should be good to go - for now at least.
Hmmm, what else would I like to accomplish this summer? I've been centering my goals around fitness lately, which is nifty (and I've lost around 8 lbs from these changes so far!) but I don't want to get too completely focused on one thing, especially this since I tend to obsess about my weight a bit. Maybe I'll try to write more this summer, especially in you, livejournal. I neglect you so bad! ;_;
For now though, I need to get back to this essay. Ciao!