Aug 01, 2006 22:04
I know that I haven't been updating much, but that's because between school and work, I've been too busy to do anything.
I've worked at least 40 hours the past couple weeks, and I've been taking a bio class/lab three days a week for 5 hours a day. The bio class is going much better than I thought it would. I've done pretty well on the last two exams, and haven't gotten anything lower than an A on the labs and lab quizzes. This makes me happy because I wasn't very good at bio before this.
Work at the hospital has been work. Nothing too exciting going on with the job itself. I did have a minor disappointment and setback with something else going on at work, but I can say that I'm "over it". (By "over it" I mean as over it as I can be right now, it's weird and difficult to explain.)
I have some new permanent hours at the hospital now too, which is good. I work every other weekend 11-7:30 as usual, but now I work Monday and Wednesday 5-9, and every other Friday 3:30-midnight. I applied for another shift on Thursday 3-9, and if I get that, I would officially be employed part-time and I'd get benefits such as sick, personal, and holiday time, not to mention that the hospital would pay half of my tution bill for Bridgewater. This would make me a very happy person. So let's all keep our fingers crossed until I hear!
In other random news, I'm going to see Aerosmith and Motely Crue in September! They're playing the Tweeter Center, and I'm insanely excited about it! The seats are really good too, which makes me even happier.
That's all I have to update about now though, call me if you want details about anything discussed above.