Man, people can be so stupid!

Dec 20, 2003 23:17

si dogg420 (9:08:51 PM): you're a faget
Auto response from si dogg420 (9:08:52 PM): Doing Birthayian activities, more than likely
si dogg420 (10:20:28 PM): you are half fool, half faget
si dogg420 (10:20:47 PM): and don't argue about human rights with my friends or i will ruin your day fruit basket
basilutter (10:20:57 PM): what the fuck?
basilutter (10:21:38 PM): who is this?
si dogg420 (10:22:55 PM): i'll show you "who is this" mastication machine
basilutter (10:23:25 PM): ???
si dogg420 (10:23:27 PM): don't argue about faget marriages - being gay is a disorder
basilutter (10:23:37 PM): you're a disorder
si dogg420 (10:24:01 PM): there's no love in being a wide-receiver
si dogg420 (10:24:10 PM): and we all know what you're getting at there - first its yes to gay marriage then its yes to incest
basilutter (10:24:31 PM): and heads up: it's spelt "faggot", asshole
si dogg420 (10:25:45 PM): yea, looks like you know fagets from every possible perspective
basilutter (10:25:58 PM): well, i certainly know how to spell it
basilutter (10:27:29 PM): who is this?
si dogg420 (10:27:43 PM): shut up faget
basilutter (10:28:12 PM): you're still in denial about your issues with spelling
basilutter (10:28:15 PM): f-a-g-g-o-t
si dogg420 (10:28:41 PM): we will fuck you you up
si dogg420 (10:28:50 PM): fairy queer
basilutter (10:28:53 PM): oh, yes, i can see that happening
basilutter (10:28:56 PM): coward
basilutter (10:29:00 PM): who is this?
si dogg420 (10:29:11 PM): yes, you will be able to once you leave your little school
si dogg420 (10:29:23 PM): we will ruin your day
basilutter (10:30:34 PM): the fact that you're actually threatening me simply because i believe in gay rights is laughable
basilutter (10:30:38 PM): and rather sad
si dogg420 (10:31:12 PM): we'll see how you'll be laughing fruitcake
basilutter (10:32:04 PM): and the fact that you automatically think i'm gay is just moronic
si dogg420 (10:34:12 PM): well let's see, everyone in your school hates your faget ass - doesn't seem like you have anything to resort to other than schoolwork and bad pop music - and i can guarantee you have never and never will have a girlfriend or anything close to it
basilutter (10:34:32 PM): i've had something close to it, believe you me
basilutter (10:34:41 PM): first off, what school do i even go to?
si dogg420 (10:34:47 PM): williams
si dogg420 (10:34:56 PM): and i know where you live, too - you will get fucked up
basilutter (10:35:29 PM): could you explain the reasons for the up-fucking?
si dogg420 (10:35:49 PM): naw, i thought you were the expert at that
basilutter (10:37:07 PM): ha ha, humor
basilutter (10:41:28 PM): i'd like to point out that homosexuals never persicute heterosexuals because of their sexual orientation, so how can you act as if you're better than me just because you think i'm gay, even though i'm completely not?
si dogg420 (10:43:41 PM): no one is better - being a faget is wrong - what's next horse-loving? Come on queer, you know your life is going down the lonely fuck spiral, just don't let yourself think that being "gay" is ok - die honorably - cold and lonely, not sucking on a .5 inch choir cock
basilutter (10:44:37 PM): i am not gay, and if i were, i can assure you i'd come out as soon as i realised; williams needs a gay student
basilutter (10:45:24 PM): and i really think comparing homosexuallity to beastiallity is absurd, offensive, and definitely not the way to craft a believeable argument
si dogg420 (10:47:19 PM): yea pollute a school with fagets when it is housing queer-ass fucks like you that wouldn't survive a second in any public highschool - no wonder you're gay - williams is a shelter for students without lives - they remain unliked but are not so harshly persecuted
basilutter (10:49:25 PM): may i ask you why you insist on misspelling faggot? i don't care about spelling normally, but you're just making a fool of yourself at this point
si dogg420 (10:51:54 PM): the promotion of being gay through the allowing of gay marriages is pathetic - all you're doing is drawing in more teens that are growing up and looking for their niche in life toward a dark and creamy rod filled future - that shouldn't be - if you enjoy exercising your little human rights game, don't spread your thoughts on your pussy diary online - tell your dad what you think and give him a blowjob while you're at it when he has milk and cookies with you at your bedside before tucking you in and saying goodnight
basilutter (10:52:41 PM): hmm...
basilutter (10:53:04 PM): i can guess what your sexual fantasys involve...
si dogg420 (10:53:36 PM): pussy, how about you faget?
si dogg420 (10:55:10 PM): ok, i'm done with you faget - think what you want, just don't pollute an already unstable earth with your men-loving thoughts
basilutter (10:55:28 PM): okay, goodbye
basilutter (10:55:55 PM): this was a very amusing conversation
basilutter (10:56:07 PM): thank you for making me laugh
si dogg420 (10:57:56 PM): tell alden i said hi when you give him what you think is right tonite
basilutter (10:58:13 PM): who says hi?
basilutter (11:00:52 PM): who is this? really?
basilutter (11:01:39 PM): i can't think of anyone i know who as blatently obtuse as you seem to be...
basilutter (11:02:51 PM): if you don't answer me in some way, then it shows you a faceless cowardly prick
si dogg420 (11:03:43 PM): it sure does show me "a faceless cowardly prick"
basilutter (11:03:59 PM): well, at least we agree on something
si dogg420 (11:04:17 PM): don't sweat yourself trying to regain your stance - oh and put some deodorant while you're at taco stand
basilutter (11:04:40 PM): i don't like tacos, thank you very much
si dogg420 (11:06:32 PM): man, you're living out some of the characters in lord of the rings pretty well - smelly, ugly, pussy, weak, no friends, and more so, no point
basilutter (11:08:26 PM): i would have to say that the charactors in "Lord of the Rings", or the Fellowship, in fact have many friends (note the word "fellowship"
basilutter (11:08:43 PM): in fact, that is the basis of the story, essentiall
basilutter (11:08:44 PM): y
si dogg420 (11:09:07 PM): you really are the lord of the rings - you own that O like it's nobody's business
basilutter (11:09:13 PM): i can tell you're just trying to piss me off, but i really don't get mad by people like you
basilutter (11:09:19 PM): sorry
si dogg420 (11:11:01 PM): if you weren't mad, you wouldn't be trying so hard to find out who i am
si dogg420 (11:11:14 PM): pussy
basilutter (11:11:15 PM): no, i'm honestly ju
basilutter (11:11:19 PM): st curious
basilutter (11:11:41 PM): why would i do that if i were mad? to beat you up?
basilutter (11:12:15 PM): i'm not a violent person, and you're right, depending on who you are you could almost definitely beat me to a pulp
si dogg420 (11:13:12 PM): yea i really can see you being curious there...
si dogg420 (11:13:12 PM): faget
basilutter (11:13:27 PM): but in the end, i'd be the kid who stood up for his beliefs and you'd be a huge asshole
Previous message was not received by si dogg420 because of error (11:13:27 PM): User si dogg420 is not available.

I just hope they're not right about the hated-at-school thing. Really unlikely, but...

essentials, quotes, politik, funny

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