May 22, 2008 23:34
Soooooo graduation! Graduation happened on Saturday. It was crazy. Mayor Booker of Newark spoke, and my whole family said he's pro'lly gonna run for President, as soon as he's done fixing Newark. He was so smart and so well-spoken and just very very cool. And so after that I packed up, with the supreme help of The Fam, and said goodbye to everyone I could possibly find, and then I...left. And it's weird not being at Drew and knowing I'm not going back to Drew--or at least I probably am, but in a very limited way. I just hope that everyone knows how incredible and awesome they are, and how much I enjoyed going to school with them, even if I wasn't as open as I might have been. And I just hope I can learn to keep in touch this time. I think I can. I think I can.
In other news, I need to get a job! I'm not at this point sure what I really want to be doing, but I guess I'm just writing cover letters for theaters and seeing what happens. I wish I were better at looking for work, or at using Networking to investigate work, or getting all of this done months ago. But whatever! I'm free to do whatever I want. I just need to sit down and do it.
Oh man...I don't know what I've been doing this all. I visited Williams with Ian yesterday, but that's pretty much it. I just real plans. Adrift. I just know I need a job, my room is in dire need of unpacking, and that I miss everyone from Drew more than I dare speak.