So...I still have a headache from last night. And it's been quite a while. And I had an ibuprofen about an hour ago. So I am annoyed by this. Oh well. I also sort of feel bad because for some reason I feel like I'm opposed to taking ibuprofen for headaches, even though I don't remember why I'm opposed to taking ibuprofen. Also, I bought it at Wal*Mart because I didn't want to drive alllllll the way to CVS, even though I hate Wal*Mart greatly. And I bought DVD's there yesterday because I could--and did--get Ocean's Eleven and Before Sunset (AKA two increeeeeedibly good and completely different films) for only $11. So basically I'm a huge hypocrite and am still hungover at 1 in the morning.
But! All is not lost! For I sent Robin "H2Ogate Blues" by Gil Scott-Heron and thought I would let any of you who wanted to listen to a freaking awesome political blues poem to get
it. So if you download it, tell me what you think! Mr. Kelly played it for our class senior year and I just really really like it.
Pretty much it right there. So I'm peacing out to bed. Talk atcha later.