Context? Who needs context?: The best of YPI 1999-2003...mostly 2003

Aug 11, 2003 01:21

Feel free to add your own.

"I'm Ted Kopper. This is my fifth year at YPI. Fear me."--Ted
"I'm Mark Samburg, and I'm already afraid of Ted."--Mark


"It's an orgasm in a bowl"--Mark


"For the love of fuck!"--Lydia

"In the name of every sexual favor you will ever receive..."--Lydia

"Sha la la la, Basil they're twins!"--Lydia

"It's an orgasm in a bowl"--Kevin

"I'm getting numbers from the back of the room."--Mark

"I think he's going to be all right."--Ben
"This gives me hope."--Sara

"Basil is such a liar. We make out all the time."--Ian

"Let me spend four hours telling you about my failed TV show."--Tom
"You lived through what?--us

"I am not here for your damn entertainment!"--Katie Wiggam

"Katie Wiggam, when we get to Boston I'm putting you on a leash."--Mark

"And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King, have grown so tired of the same old thing."--us
"It's weird that you're just doing this, yet you're actually in key."--Hanna

"Kendall and I are breaking down the gender barrier."--Mark

"Let's see, it works on her. What about--Basil, smile! No, it doesn't work on Barry."--Brian

"What are you doing? Talking? Yeah? I see you're the only boy in a group of girls. How's that going? Are we making you uncomfortable? Are we? Yeah?"--Annie, Andrew, and Lindsey

"Good times, good times"--Lindsey

"Yay teenagers!"--Andrew

"If I had a dime..."--Andrew

"I am Ninja-Man!"--Mark

"I'm Senator Dick Army. If any of you need me, I'll be in my office doing cocktation."--Mark

"What? A talking muffin?"--Virginia

"It's chock-full of awesome!"--Andrew

"Now, let's have...Megan in the circle."--Mal
(look of horror)--Megan
"That's the face! (click)"--Mal

This is woefully incomplete. Please help me!!!

quotes, ypi

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