Dec 29, 2009 08:50
Being up from 11-something to 1-something tending a fussy child: not so lovely.
Having child sleep like a log from 1-something to 5-thirty: lovely.
Waking up with headache: highly uncomfortable.
Prospect of frosted mini-wheats for breakfast: somewhat comforting.
Pile of laundry that NEEDS to be done today: daunting.
Fact that Donna is providing lunch for the clan today: relieving.
Also, I repeat that had "Voyager" been made a few decades earlier, Katharine Hepburn would have been Janeway. We watched the first episode last night, which was nice to get the scoop on how they ended up in the Delta Quadrant and more about who's who. The Hepburn-ness was brought home for me by Janeway's parting message to her boyfriend that involved a dog and general cuteness that I suspect only Hepburn could pull off in my ancient world of reality. So, anyway. Janeway's only real major failing in my mind is that she does not point correctly a la Picard when she says "engage".
star trek,
ouch ouchy ouch