Dec 02, 2009 07:55
It is FROSTY outside. Thirty degrees.
Cold, my friends, cold.
I think the Giant Puffball of Doom look is in order this morning for my walk, because that's going to be the coldest walk I've had yet. :-p
Today is laundry day. Going to involve a little more work than usual because it's due time for all our white stuff to go through a load of Tide with Bleach (which stinks, which means that I'll probably have to wash that load twice and hope my good friend vinegar gets rid of the stink). Don't want to put it off though, because if GooGoo decides to come in the next day or so, I'd like to have as much clean laundry as possible. I'm OCD about my laundry being done a certain way. Not that Dan isn't perfectly capable (and probably far less illogical about the whole procedure than am I).
Better get out on the walk. I always feel so horribly stiff after my walk. But I do it anyway.