DRM Petition

Jul 31, 2008 05:37

I'm under no delusions about how many people read my little LJ, but I thought I'd post this anyway, just to spread the word.

In brief: EA Games (and other computer game developers) are implementing this ridiculously strict DRM called SecuROM. SecuROM limits the number of times you can install the software (change computers three times in the next 10 years, or upgrade your video card so the game runs better, and your game disc is now a coaster), installs itself without your permission, doesn't uninstall even if you uninstall the software it's protecting, is viciously hard to get rid of, and many other things that just make me sick to my stomach.

EA is punishing the people who have paid for the game, while doing little to stop the people who haven't (I hear that a SecuROM-free version of Mass Effect was available for download three days after the game was released).

Someone on the Spore forum said words to the effect of "if we don't stop it here, where does it stop?" - Exactly. If SecuROM isn't stopped, it will continue to be distributed and the next DRM scheme might be even worse.

Even if you're not a gamer...
Even if you weren't planning to buy Spore...
Even if you don't understand a word of what I just said...
Even if you believe the "party line" about piracy ruining the gaming industry...

PLEASE stand up for (legitimate) consumers' right and sign this petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/NoDRM/petition.html

I thank you.

spore, petition, mass effect, drm, game

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