[OOC] Let's Play PM2: The Story Begins

Jan 11, 2010 03:34

All right, we're good to go. The game refused to accept a birthday of Feb 29, so instead our daughter shall be born on May 12. Our birthday is May 6, which may or may not even matter. \o/ Also, she is blood type B.

Sorry for the terrible screenshot. /o\

Yeah, that's right. God called out a hit on a human city from SATAN.

...Satan's actually not too bad a guy in this game, all things considered.

The soldiers of the capital, grown accustomed to peace, fell helplessly before the powerful Demon Army.

The ramparts were destroyed, and the castle was engulfed in flames. It was clear to all that the fall of the castle town was at hand.

One dark night, Butterdog stole into the demons' encampment, and defeated the Prince of Darkness in personal combat. I hate you so much Zidane

"You have beaten me!" the Prince of Darkness exclaimed. "But why are you fighting these people? It has been divinely ordained that I attack this decadent capital. It is no concern of yours. I killed only fools."

Butterdog didn't know how to respond.

Suddenly, the Prince of Darkness disappeared along with his army, returning to the Underworld to recover from his defeat.

"Brave warrior, you have saved this capital," the king told Butterdog gratefully. "It was I who foolishly brought this war upon us. It was divine punishment for my decadence. If you had not appeared, the people of the city would surely have perished along with me..."

"It was my fault as well," the queen added. "The king and I have resolved to make a fresh start. We will work together to restore the capital."

"You appear to have been wounded. Why don't you stay in the capital, and help us to rebuild?" the king asked. "We beseech you."

And thus Butterdog came to live in the capital, and be granted a salary of a piddling 500 gold per YEAR by the king.

Aww, our babygirl is nine years old today. :D


A voice called out to Butterdog from the heavens... As he lifted his head, he spotted a shooting star. Before his eyes, it slowly descended to the top of a nearby hill. He ran to the hell. There he found a floating sphere which was shining brightly.

Then, he noticed that inside the light was a little girl...

(This is somehow the most appropriately CFUD line ever.)

"This darling child has lived in the sacred light since the time she was born," Venus said. "She has an innocent soul, and knows nothing of the impure world of mortals."

"Er," said Butterdog. "I think I've missed a big leap of logic here."

"Are you questioning a gift from the gods?"

"Uh, well, no, but I mean, I'm named after a really horrible meme and if this kid's so innocent--"

Venus decided to ignore him. "Your actions alone will determine whether she will live or die, and what kind of life she will lead. It is all up to you."

"Wait, having a kid is a big life decision, I don't know if I'm really--"

"That is all I have to ask," said Venus, as if Butterdog hadn't said anything. "I will be watching from the heavens..."

And so Butterdog the wandering swordsman found himself with a naked nine-year-old and absolutely no choice in the matter.

"...No pressure," he muttered.

But a year passed and he hadn't killed the kid, so he figured this would probably work out.

So that is how we ended up with custody of a naked wonderbaby from the heavens. One year later, we get to actually start raising the kid. LET'S GET TO IT.

So here we go. Cube is basically the interface - all the scheduling is made through him, and he's the one who'll warn us if you're low on funds, the weather is bad, your daughter's under stress, etc.

Only he's never going to have to warn us about that first one, because I am CHEATING LIKE A CHEATING THING and we're going to have as much money as we could ever possibly need. Because it's 100x easier to do things when you have money for classes.

So, here's Marcy's stats!

Not bad. Under the patronage of Venus, we've got a pretty good start on magic, and we're in decent shape both socially and domestically. Kind of squishy, though.

Our options each month: we can change her diet, futz around with equipment, go to town and do things (she's getting some clothes before the next update, at least), go to the palace and talk to people, and have a chat with the little girl. And to progress the game, we set her schedule.

Months are divided into three parts. Marcy was born mid-month, so we've only got two segments of this month to work with.

We can send her to school, which costs money and raises various stats. Or we can send her to work part-time, where she'll gain a salary and... raise/lower various stats. For example, farm work raises constitution and strength, while lowering refinement. Almost all jobs lower at least one stat; very few classes do, but you can only get so far with classes. Both school and work raise stress.

We can also send her out adventuring, but she's squishy enough that bugs would probably kill her at this point.

Time off is for relieving stress. She doesn't have to worry about that yet.

Here are our options for school:

And our options for work:

As she gets older, more jobs will become available.

So leave your suggestions and requests, and let's get Marcy Butterdog's life rolling. :')
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