Jan 27, 2005 22:19
I wish that for just once I could go back and relive the childhood
memories. Back then, no one had a care in the world. You were friends
with practically everyone, even the people that you may now strongly
dislike. The only time you cried was when you fell off your bike or
you didn't get that toy you swore you needed. You believed in Santa Claus,
the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny. You believed in magic. You got mad
at a friend only when (a) they took the toy you were playing with or
(b) you were jealous of them because they had something that you
didn't. You didn't really understand what emotions were all about, you
just knew that you had them. You never knew how strong feelings could
actually be. You had no worries about the opposite sex, because let's
face it, they had cooties. You were never able to grasp the concept of
a broken heart. The only time you said "I love you" to someone was when
mommy tucked you in bed at night. Hell, you didn't fully understand
what love really was, you just said it because it's your mom and you
know you're supposed to love her unconditionally. And then you grow up,
you learn about your feelings, you learn what love truly is, you learn
how much some things can hurt, and it just makes you ask yourself:
What ever happened to those times?
This entry may last a couple days. I have nothing to talk about anymore, I've just been doing a lot of pondering lately.
Guess this is one of those, "You live, you learn, then you take one day at a time" deals, huh?
Don't dwell on the hurt it's bringing, focus on the happiness it once brought.
Look ahead to the future with a smile.
Be glad you're still there for one another somehow, in some way.
Through it all, I'm still all smiles. :)
Leave one if ya love me
enough. spill your blood.