Sep 08, 2004 10:49
Woooooooooohooooooooo! school started yesterdai! Omg i luv mondon its so awesum and school was relli fun. I met soo many ppl already and everyones realli nice and friendly. I saw sum ppl that i hadent seen since the last dai of school.I was cool to c how much everyone changed. We didnt du ani wrk yesterday, but we went to our homerooms(mines 203)got our laptops and learned how to use them. And then we wealked around the school with sum upperclassmen and they told us about the teachers,classes,rules,ect.Then we had flex and we just went to the lunchroom ate and then herd b0ring speaches about all the clubs. After that we went bac to our h/r and just played games until we had to leave. At the end of the day i culdnt find mi bus and i was freakin out cuz i thought that maybi i missed it. Mondons pic up is so dif from holy families,its not realli organized well. But i did find mii bus and i got home around 3 which isnt that bad. This may sound like im jumping into things but...I think i realli like sumone already! But im not goin to say who it is bcz....yeah long story. Well aniway im at lees rite now so were gona go du sumthing more productive then sit on the computer...alrighty,BYE!