Sep 02, 2004 16:22
well tuesday night me lena and bethany woke up to this relli weird sound.It sounded like sumone was choking but it wa sactually a skunk outside lees house...but thank god we woke up in time to close the window so we wuldnt smell! lol then tuesday ash g came to lees house and we all went to the beach which was fun. then we had cheering that night haha at the same time the frosh football players had practice ;)lol i love our team everiones realli nice and im happy thta were all getting to b friends.Well aftr practice lee ash and me went to get sumfood..and then they s/o...(o god the bathroom incident hahahah lol) well last night i felt soo sick and its even worse today and it sux cuz schools starting soon so i hop w.e it is goes away. well im gona go now ...buh bye