Apr 12, 2010 20:46

ICly:  He's doing . . . pretty well actually.  He's managed to avoid Cyril a lot in the DR, more than he had been able to at home at least, so that's giving him a bit of good coping.  He needs to make friends.  :|a  And stop getting into all these fights that I'm pushing him into, haha.  It's making him a bit more edgy than I like.
OOCly:  He is.  Like.  A light in the storm.  Sometimes his voice is like, "HEY!  HEY!  OVER HERE!  YOU CAN SEE ME, RIGHT!"  And I can!  And I can use it to guide me to where I want to go!  But other times it's like, "HA HA, NO WAY!"  And I'm just . . . D:  Yeah.  We have a love-hate relationship, Tokusa and I.  I seem to understand his psyche better than half of my four characters, which is - very good.


ICLY:  She's happy!  Perfectly happy!  The fact that her Tyki isn't here or her Lavi makes her a bit sad, but she's okay with it, as long as she sees them all anyways.  Though this may change if I decide to actually canon update her to angst times.  Needs to make more CR.
OOCly:  EASIEST VOICE AND PSYCHE FOR ME, surprisingly.  I love Road.  I do.  I refuse to drop her, ever.  But I do need to play her more often.


ICly:  He has . . . not been doing anything.  Unfortunately.  He's mostly been skulking the halls of the DR and relaxing and training and--yeah.  Need to get him out more, get more CR.
OOCly:  Buddy, I know canon!Cyril's voice better than yours, and that's scary.  I love his background and all the possibilities he could have, but I just . . . am not feeling it.  But still, am very reluctant to drop.


ICly:  She's been also wandering the Dressing Room, getting used to seeing all these people that she hasn't seen alive in one hundred years.  She'll be okay with it sooner or later and getting over the fact that she might not be going home, though she has been looking for a proper place to swim besides the ponds.  Does love swimming, that girl.
OOCly:  I . . . honestly wasn't expecting her voice to be that hard.  But I love her, and I want to keep trying.  Also, I need to talk to ladyxnoxluck about that immortal tea party thing.  Because my AIM is crashing all the time and . . . yeah.  Need to give Jaguira a different contact.



-Proper, solid CR
-More character development
-Get them out more
-Balance their times out
-Give holdsthestrings my AIM after weeks of planning to and never doing so
-Talk to ladyxnoxluck about immortal tea party
-Turn Tokusa into a girl again (no, not joking, I do want to have him stay a girl for at least a week this time.  I am cruel and unusual like that)
-Decide on canon updates
-Talk to castmates about said canon updates
-Write letters from them to their castmates, dead or alive back home to master their voices.  Road's are already done.
-Stop the muses in my head from multiplying like breeding jackrabbits.  >:|  Seriously.

Why is this not in my musebox?  Because I'm lazy, that's why.


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