Name or SN: Stacy G.
Age:Twenty Three :D
Bust size: Im currently wearing a 34C but I dont think it fits, I should probably be wearing a 32D/32DD, or possibly 30E according to some online calculators.
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bustingout since:Today
Color and style of bra you're currently wearing:Underwire, Black and Pink
Best thing about having large breasts: Not sure I would call myself large, but Busty works. I guess T-shirts can fit nicely and I can fill them out. It takes away from people looking at my belly a bit.
Worst thing about having large breasts: Hard as hell to find bras that fit you. People look at your boobs more than your eyes sometimes >.>
Favorite bra brand:Marie Jo *but its way too expensive, I only wear it on special occasions)
Favorite store for bras/swimsuits/etc: Usually I buy from Target, however they lack my size. Intimacy is great but expensive.
Most amount of money spent on a bra: 120 dollars
Was it worth it?: Yes, but im afraid of wrecking it
Least amount of money spent on a bra: 10 bucks
Was it worth it?: It does its job somewhat. I havent run into too many problems besides wanting a diffrent size.
Have you had a breast reduction?:No
If "Yes," was it worth it and why?:
If "No," do you intend to and why?: I am not super large breasted (at least I dont think, tell me if im wrong :P) but I enjoy my body, I dont want anything removed from my body unless its needed to be removed.
Most frequent question or statement about your breasts: I guess I cant think of any questions or statements I get. Ive had the fun awkward glances, and have been tempted to put a post it note saying "look up" on it.
Funny or embarrassing story involving your breasts: One time, my friend and I were hanging out and it was cold out so my nipples were perked up. I was wearing a camisole top with built in bra instead of a bra *bad idea*. She told me the turkeys are done, and I thought she ment I had a flat tire. I walked around the car for 4 minutes inspecing every inch as she kept laughing. Finally, when I got in the car, she asked "Is it cold in here, or is it just you" Needless to say I wasnt pleased, and asked her why she didnt tell me sooner. >.>
One thing you would change about bras if you were in charge: Make them cheaper, and better. Make it so all women can get properly fitted and not have to buy online.
One thing you would change about the bra industry if you were in charge: Give smaller sized bands a chance, there should be 32/30/28 bands available in bigger sizes. I shouldnt have to hunt online, and off for bras.
Any tips you have to make bras, clothes, and/or swimsuits fit better: Try things on, dont listen to some of the airheads that sell bras. I was put in a 36A before when I was a 34C *possibly 32D/DD*
Recommended links: None, if you want to add me on facebook though that would be cool.
-Ok this wasnt in the intro questions but if anyone suggests I try a diffrent size, or the others sound reasonable let me know. I have a tape measure at home and would love to actually know what size to get when I order online so I dont have to keep sending stuff back. :) Thanks