Jul 29, 2004 18:37
1) Name: Jennie
2) Age:18
3) Where do you live?:Manchester,uk
4) Where you would like to live? Erm i Suppose Ireland cuz its soo Peaceful, jus wat i need
5) Why are you unique?:Coz i've learnt not 2 du summat coz pple do n now i do wat I WANNA DO
6) Single? Yeps
7) Your fantasy mate (someone famous that you're probably never getting): Charlieee Simpsonnn
8) Coolest thing about yourself: .......
9) If you had a million pounds you would...: make sure ma family/friends were happy finacally then do watever i wanted with the rest
10) Dream job: errrrrrr
11) Hobbies: Football,sports,music,friends,writting,the net,college,shoppin etc
12) Job: a Cafe Assistant
13) Car?: Wud luff an Audi Tt
14) Favorite sport & team: Football Manchester United
15) Favorite music type: B U S T E D
16) Favorite bands: Busted Westlife,sugababes,jameila
17) Favorite tv show: friends
18) Favorite lyrics: ne busted 1s
19) Favorite song:Westlife Flying without wings
20) -ask yourself a question and answer it-: Jeez erm cant think ov nethin :P