1st blogie

Jul 29, 2004 18:23

Whoo hoo!

av been thinkin ov creatin a blog 4 a wile n finaaly got meself round to it wen am ill *Rolls eyes* Hehhe Tis Amazin wha illnesh dus 2 ye ;)

Nehu the basics

Name: Jennie - A.K.A Busted mad :p

Age: 18 n bla months

Location:  @ da comp ! *lol*

Hobbies n intrests:  Oh boy this is were we get goin! Were do i Start, Oh yer B U S T E D!, Charlie Simpson, music, Concerts, Busted, Friends, Watchin Films Spec horror, Fooball

Listenin ta Busted hehe( Y' see a pattern emergin :p)  Fave Songs r fww - Westlife, Heaven - Dj Sammy, Obvioulsy - Mcfly, Why,thunderbirds,3am - Busted

Well thts th facts!

Gunna go Toddle on offish westlife mb's!

L8az xxxx

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