so mike sent me the like to the new avatar trailer for season 3... sweet nibblets, it looks so freaking sweet. i cant contain my excitement. its gonna be so epic. plus shymalan has talked about the movies a little bit more... hopefully those dont suck, cause im really not a fan of his up to this point.
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dont judge psyc so fast. The history stuff is super boring. The classical conditioning and operant condiitong bs is equally as boring. The first week in any psyc class sucks. Intro is crazy because you learn SO MUCH information, and it can get overwhelming. I didnt do amazingly in Intro (i think i got a B). But what is cool is i guarantee you will find certain aspects of the course FAR more interesting than the rest, and then you can take other psyc courses that focus only on those things that you found interesting, and you can completely disregard all the boring stuff. unless you major in psyc, in which case you need to become somewhat well-rounded in the area. either way, psyc CAN be fun.
screw you for having a sweet football team. my freshman year our team was so awesome, and i loved every second of those football games. this year we suck so hard i dont even want to go to the games. if we lose to duke this weekend then i am quitting virginia football for the year. thank god our soccer team is striaght up ballin.
wtf is bushing? sounds like something CHAD would do.
bushing is when an upperclassmen sees someone they think is a freshmen, so they push that person into a bush. probably rediculously funny to observe, so far ive only heard stories.
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