Not Tired...

Mar 10, 2009 01:15

Last night I had too much fun. I dragged Jill out to this bar that we've never been to called Atlantis. It was actually a really cool bar. We thought initially that it would be some Fishtown corner, shady dive bar, but it was pretty cool inside. We met two of my band mates there. I can't tell you how thankful I am of Jill enduring me playing round after round of pool. She's not a fan of the game, but I really do love to play. I used to play fairly well. There were times when my game would shine, but I really can't call myself a good pool player these days. It's something that I would like to get good at again. Anyway, I downed definitely 3 rounds of PBR and Jim Beam shots. It's possible that I had more. They got me pretty twisted. This morning I woke up to BAAAAD headache. Then I threw up. Then I took Jill to work. Then I had to park illegally momentarily while I hung my head out the door and threw up some more. I got a few horrified and disgusted looks from center city business people on their way to their boring lives and jobs. One guy stopped and stared for all of my heaves. Car crash syndrome I suppose. Not my proudest moment, but quite funny in retrospect. This all led to sipping ginger tea and sleeping all day with my cat at my feet. I threw a couple of bad movies on. There's something about bad movies and hangovers that pair perfectly together.
After much rest I met up with Jill for a birthday dinner at Tampopo. I love this place. I'm feeling hungry again. I wish I had leftovers or could go back again. I think one week we went 2 or 3 times. And there were a few weeks that we went consecutively each week. We're regulars there. The waitress knows and loves us. She makes us drawings on our check of mushrooms and happy smiley people.
I got home to open presents. Jill got me a really awesome set of Miso soup bowls and spoons. I need to get some more miso paste. I love miso soup. I want to incorporate it into my diet more. It's yummy. She also got me the Watchmen graphic novel. I'm pretty psyched to read this. I had no idea that it was written by the same guy who penned V for Vendetta. I never read that book, but I loved the movie.
Now I lie in bed. I'm really not tired. I'm debating reading Watchmen or picking out an instant Netflix to help me to sleep. Birthday was nice in it's simplicity. I'm looking forward to Saturday to clink glasses with whoever is coming out.
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