Pump It Up!

Jul 21, 2003 19:49

Good progress today on Pump it Up. I started to officially embark into the realm of crazy mode, and after a good deal of patience I was able to pretty much have two songs down. The real victory, though, was a much greater understanding of the technical areas in which I need to work on if I want to reach the final, penultimate, levels of this game. By the end I had a much MUCH quieter motion and was able to work out the most effiecient ways to work out a whole multitude of techical issues. I am really looking forward, now, to really pushing the envelope towards mastering this game, and more specifically, crazy mode.

As a bonus I ran across this website. It is the equivalent of DDRFreak, except for Pump it Up. It had numerous step paterns posted. This is really good as now I can attack the technical issues ahead of time for all of the crazy mode songs, and hopefully will be able to approach conquering each of them step by step.

This is so cool becuase it is like learning the piano all over again. The same process is involved since there is a constant re-evaluation and refinement of technique as each new level is reached. I think its the process that is the most rewarding element, just like it is on the piano.

Well, I'm going to get to work on these step patterns.

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