Back in Lund!!

Dec 11, 2012 03:06

I made it down here yesterday, just before the blizzard struck. Crazy winter weather, and this is the view from my balcony:
It's not really that bad, just annoying that the roads are bad, and especially the pavements.

But oh my god, I am HOME ALONE IN MY OWN FLAT!!! Yeah, more than three months since last, so I'm a bit crazy about it. I have slept a lot, and not eaten what I thought I was going to, since my bloody oven was SOO dirty that I had to clean it before using it.. I started trying to get it clean yesterday, and yeah, I am STILL trying to scrub off all the old sticky fat and whatever .. There always has to be something to do when you come back to your flat after a long time away,

Went out into the snow a bit this afternoon, but really not worth it. Took me far to long to walk over to my sister's flat and check her mailbox, and then they didn't have any good cleaning products for ovens at the local store, so had to take the bus into town.

But wow, I have trivial cleaning problems, in my OWN flat!! and I can do whatever I want until Thursday! yay. I did check out the royal dresses at the Nobel banquet, since you kind of have  to as a Swede, felt strange not watching it with my sister as usual.. I think they called me at least seven time today though, just to ventilate stuff that happened.

This week we're switching over to the new team of extra help, the people who come five times every day to help us with changing and moving dad etc. It's a bit scary since it took almost a year to make it work with the old guys, and some of them have been lovely, and we'll miss them a LOT, but the council have these rules  that one team take care of the people under 65, and another of the over-65. And dad is 66, and really should have switched to this new team already last year, but what with everything we continued with those guys until now.. The problem at the moment is that we were supposed to get two weeks of both teams coming to the new could learn from the old etc, and we ended up just getting two DAYS. And apparently dad got really sad and worried when some of the old guys came and said goodbye to him today. What with his cognitive disorder, stability with the faces that come and visit is SO important for him, and that thesame people come as often as possible. He will probably get used to the new people quite quickly, as will we, but until then there is the usual annoying learning curve to get thorugh.

And as I am down here in Lund, I can't really DO anything about that. Just be supportive on the phone..

But back to me and my vacation! I have been reading Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner, and really liking it. Feels like there is a lot going on there, and I'm very happy I picked it up. I'm going to a seminar at the English department on Wednesday, my dear friend A is presenting her Joyce-chapter, and I am SO out of the loop, but still feels completely wonderful to be allowed back to play with the academics again. Yay.

What else? Thought about taking advantage of being on my own and actually being able to watch a film at the cinema, but it feels so complicated to leave the flat and actually DO something, even if I still haven't seen Skyfall, and of course The Hobbit comes out on Wednesday.. we'll see. I'm off to Malmö tomorrow evening anyway, dinner with A&C&J, so at least I will leave the flat *g*.

Now I really should go to bed..

on my own again!!!!, winter, dad, lund, snow, back in lund

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