Aug 20, 2005 23:16
As my time here in Boston draws to an end, here are my destinations as I said good bye to friends and people that I meet along the way. The last chance to be with those who helped me and shaped me.
Here's the list of Count Down Tour Stops:
Stage One: Dinner and poker with my co workers...check
Now most of my co workers has never been to my house. Except for Benn, but he is more than just a fellow co workers, he is a close friend, and like a brother to me. It was nice having all these people over, I even mopped and cleaned for this occassion. Can you believe it? I haven't really cleaned in 6 months. Anyhow, Tom, Benn, Erin, Talon, Matt, and Gwen came by this past Weds. night. We ate, chatted, and played cards. It was a lot of fun. It's really sad to say goodbye to a place and with people I've worked with since I was a junior in high school. I'm surprised to see Gwen here, I thought she was still in NYC. With her back, I feel less guilty about leaving everyone high and dry. I'll write my NEC thoughts soon.
Stage Two: Jess Moos' BBQ-check
That was tonight. I've been promise to go to one of Jess' parties since he moved into his new place. I certainly couldn't push it off any longer. Because it'll be my last chance to go. He really got a nice place going on him. I finally meet his current girlfriend Devon, she seemed really nice. And its also nice to see my friend/ex roommate Mikey there. So food, good company and booze sends me off to the night. I do hope to keep in touch with Jess. Despite our differences, I really like him, and apperciate our friendship.
Stage Three: Summerslam PPV with Joe, Sean and Josh.
For those who knows me for a long time, knows the history between me and Joe. But that was long time ago, since then I learned to forgive him. Joe is a weird guy, someone thats not easy to get along with. Despite everything between us, we did share some good times. At this point, there's really no need to think about those bad times, and embrace the good ones. There's no reason to end this on sour note. As for Sean, the only one of those trio I really like hanging with. He is no doubt the most normal and down to Earth of the three. In the past, we've done these PPV events from time to time, this time will be the last one. So tomorrow night, greasy food, video games, and bad wrestling will signal the end of that chapter.
Coming soon:
Stage Four: Drinking with the fellas (possibly at a strip club.)
Stage Five: Farewell dinner with Andrew, Nancy, Joe (a different one from the above) and Lil.
Stage Six: Dim Sum and hanging out with Benn and Lindsay.
The Conclusion: Who knows. I know two weeks isn't too much time. But let's just enjoy the ride. And end this chapter with some good times and great memories.