Jul 27, 2006 21:04
The champ is here...what's going on, friends? It's been a while. I just want to drop my feelings on a few subjects.
New York Yankees: I hate them for winning when they shouldn't. I hate the local UPN network moving "Veronica Mars" reruns to Sunday nights so they can air a Yankees game on Tuesday nights. Now, had the Yankees lost, I'd fine with it. But they creamed Texas Rangers...double suckiness!
Boston Red Sox: I love 'em. Win, lose or draw, I'll always love 'em! Even if I had a bad day, but they manage to come out on day, it just makes my bad day a little more bearable. I just wish they win more though. Gotta keep 'em pesky Yankees where they belong...below the Red Sox.
Veronica Mars: I'm nuts about this show. Its so good! I also got my friend Andrew addicted to it, now only if he can get his wife to watch it too. Kristen Bell, what a terrific young actress and so cute too. I hate to say it, but I think developed a little school boy crush on her. (Season 2 avaliable on DVD next month!)
Blitz: The League (X-box): What a fun and violent football video game. To reach to another level of dorkdom, I've renamed just about everyone of my players with Marvel or D.C. super hero names. Yes, I am rather ashamed to have Peter Parker as my star QB.
Soda float: There Mr.Softee ice truck around here makes a great soda float with root beer and vanila frozen yogurt. So delicious, and really helps in those blazing hot summer days.
Artic Monkey's "Whatever People say I am, Thats what I'm not" cd: Keep rockin' it in the free world! This album rocks so hard. I love it.
Street mix tapes: It helps me retain my street credit at $4.00 a pop.