Apr 13, 2009 14:11
Not begging for sympathy, just pointing out...
lately within my 'group of friends' I've been left out of invites and they haven't shown up when invited by me, ie bowling last night and Office nights (some people are regualr office fans and we usually watch and have pizza)
I don't know what I did or didn't do, do or am doing, but I don't seem to fit in for one reason or another.
While certain people drive me nuts with their behavior I usually watch myself and make sure I'm not doing something outlandish or obnoxious.
These days I try not to say anything if I don't have something positive to say, or at least something entertaining.
Well what can you do?
I've been saying all my life that I need 'different' or 'better' friends...
So obviously there's something wrong with me.
I'm failing to pinpoint just what my friendship malfunction is.