two fun weight related things happened over the weekend. first, my old navy
pants purchase arrived in the size smaller and all fit! when i opened the package i was concerned, the waist looked small to me when i held it up. it will take some time for my brain to catch up with my body. second, i am now have a "normal/average" BMI. this has been something i've thought about since march when i first started, no longer being classified as "overweight." the wii fit is really sly about it too. normally it says "you're overweight" however this time it didn't say anything. i expected a big fanfare, but instead it just seemed content, reminding me to work toward an even lower BMI. *lol* that wii fit, what a motivator.
i have decided to go ahead with the new way of saving my budgets and then spending on larger trips. this involved unsubscribing from approximately 30 solicited emails and creating a new spreadsheet tracking my savings/wishlist. i also made a holiday spreadsheet where i can write out ideas that i randomly have in advance. the holidays! eek.
i am already over this week... and it's not even noon on monday.