Apr 05, 2011 08:36
i tried to post this yesterday but lj was down (again!) so i couldn't... i'll try to post more than just once a week this month! :)
sunday i got my first 5 pound star. ww works on a reward system, similar to grade school in the vein of "you got x math problems right, you get an apple sticker on your construction paper tree." actually, this is an exact reward system in my first grade class to which i said "i don't care how many apples are on my tree!" hm. however, now that i have an additional 22 years i can see how this system works - positive reinforcement with a passive aggressive competitive edge. i have a feeling i've actually lost a little more, since i go to my meeting at 2pm and you typically weigh less in the mornings.
i have a process for my meeting day, eating breakfast early and a small lunch two hours before i leave. i also stop drinking at least an hour before my weigh in and bring a small snack for after. maybe it doesn't do anything, but it makes me feel like it does.
one of the rules is that you cannot weigh yourself every day. this makes every weigh-in feel like taking a test you're not sure you studied adequately for. standing in line i'm saying "i think i did enough... how much is enough?" luckily, i have seen a lot of results and i am beyond pleased. it is working! hooray! i can actually see the end result this time and that's a nice sight. i'm not sure if i should set my expectations for when i will finish... hopefully in the fall? october? i can't be sure since i have read you tend to loose a lot the first couple of weeks and then it gets harder. short term, i plan to reach 5% this month.
today i am wearing pants i haven't been able to wear for at least a year, maybe more. :)
on the message boards people make goals for themselves with a reward for each one. since i will be limiting my shopping going forward, i decided to create one for myself for hitting mile stones. please note, these percents are from my starting weight.
5% - juicy couture, monogrammed
10% - new undies
15% - a&f mini-spree
20% - joe's jeans (icon muse & trousers)
i've already purchased the juicy couture, during the f&f sale last weekend. however, since it's being monogrammed it'll take a bit longer to get there and will most likely come around the time i get there.
becoming skinny,