I have been roleplaying some form of Romana for just about a year now, and have been in Edensphere for a little over eight months, I do believe. When I first arrived here I was kind of an idiot, and a complete newb to the ways of this kind of comm, so thank you to everyone who was so patient at hitting me in the head with the cluebat when I needed it. I would like to think I am much better at playing her when she first arrived here, and roleplaying in general.
Fred has changed a great deal since then. She's grown, adapted, and carried on... and I thought I would write up something to chronicle that. I think this is going to be a little on the long side... and omg, I'm sorry this is so rambly.
When Fred first arrived in Edensphere, she was
greeted by Sky. I never really went anywhere with that... anyway, one of the first people she
met in person was, big surprise, Storm--our Ninth Doctor at the time. She met
Shoanji, Youth, and about half a dozen other people (all in her first ten days or so!) and in very short order Roswell
invited her to live with him. She agreed, because something about him pinged her very hard for the Doctor, any one of them. Besides, at this point he was very quickly becoming 'her Doctor', and she would be willing to do a great deal for him, if it seemed reasonable. and maybe even if it didn't
They discovered a few things; a
certain ring and a
pentacle pendant. (both those logs are f-locked for in-game meta) One thing of particular note is the minor argument Fred and Roswell got into in the first of those threads; it both cemented even further her view of him being the Doctor, and annoyed her a great deal.
Fred also met
Rabbit and Steel here... yeah, she met a lot of people in her first few weeks.
But unfortunately, Fred and Roswell's searching seemed to make the Tree a little nervous, so
Edensphere killed them. Fred and Roswell
came back pretty quickly. They were obviously rattled by this (though nervously pleased that somehow the ring and the pendant had been returned to them), and resolved to lay low for a while... but not before Fred and Roswell
had Words. That could have been a serious problem in their relationship, but then
this happened. Over the next month or so, they did lie low. Fred got very close to Roswell very, very quickly. So when he suddenly up and vanished, at the exact same time as Storm, it left Fred a more than a little lost. Through a combination of bad things going on at the time, she didn't really ever have a chance to process the fact they were both gone until well after it had sunk in... almost an entire month, in fact. And then the loss of her animal companion (who was actually another Doctor, though Fred didn't know it at the time), coupled with the fact that she hadn't been able to feel any other Time Lords in her mind, whereas in her canon she's surrounded by dozens of them constantly, lead to
For a while after that she was just kind of coasting, living out her life here... and then
this beautiful thing happened. And suddenly, she didn't have just Doctor substitutes... she had a family.
So again with the coasting, though happier coasting now that she had people she could depend on. And then...
she died. Again. She also forgot a lot of things with this one, including everything that she and Roswell found in their digging, and her first death. And while Fred knows she lost some memories--the pentacle pendant that Youth saved and returned to her is an obvious sign of that--it wasn't until much, much later than this that she realized the full extent of the memories that she'd lost.
Anyway she holds herself entirely responsible for this death, and for worrying her friends. She still hasn't forgiven herself for the stupidity of what she did, and I believe it was after this event that she finally got around to seeking out lessons in self-defense from Youth, with the thought that maybe she could prevent herself from dying again if she was ever in that position. She hopes she won't be, but, well. Edensphere is a dangerous place.
So Fred was just starting to shake off some of the guilt and bad feelings she had been sunk in since her death when she was suddenly somewhere new--Veles. While she was startled to find herself somewhere new, and worried about how her friends would cope with her vanishing, Fred took this in stride--she decided Edensphere had finally spat her out, though how she had ended up in a strange Russian city on Earth, still memoryless, and not where she belonged was anyone's guess. Back in Edensphere, unbeknownst to her, her body was now lying in a coma. No one understands it, but Fred is certain she spent those two days (four in ES) in a bleak, cold little city... but the Doctor was there. He told her a great deal about their people; luckily not too much, but more than Fred would have ever been able to figure out on her own.
After waking up and adjusting to the fact that she had lost the Doctor--AGAIN--Fred got back into the swing of things at ES, more cheerful than she had been in some time. And then Youth died; that was a heavy blow, but since he is in effect one of her Doctors, she simply couldn't contemplate his death. She didn't mourn him, she didn't cry, she didn't think about him being dead. He would return. That was all. Because a universe without the Doctor doesn't bear thinking about.
Thankfully, he did. But she is going to be keeping a closer eye on all of her people for the next little while, even if she can't actually do anything to help them.
Now, of course, after an awkward wake-up moment or three, she's learning how to use a gun. This is very much a strange experience, and she's not very comfortable with it... but it's one more example of how much she's changed from my original concept, and canon. The original Romana would never touch a gun. But Fred has been in ES so long, she knows that some things can't be appeased with just words, as the Doctor would like them to be.
I HOPE THAT MAKES EVEN A LITTLE SENSE. I'll take another look at it in the morning--/looks out her window.
I mean, after I've had sleep.